Game Resources
This section will be broke down into several additional sections to break everything down by category. In each of these categories will be a list of the equipment types available and a list of their individual equipment abilities. This will also include a list of the various personnel available in that category and their abilities. In each of the sub-categories I will review the personnel and their abilities first. Listed behind each item/description there will be an abbreviation contained in parentheses that will be used periodically through this walkthrough.
1. Fire Units ,Personnel and Available Equipment
A. Available Equipment
Fire Extinguisher (FE) - Used to extinguish small fires and cool small hot spots.
Fire Hose (FH) - Used to extinguish larger fires and cool larger hot spots.
Rescue Cutter (RC) - Used to aid in removing trapped individuals from wreckage.
Power Saw (PS) - Used to remove trees that may be blocking a path you need.
Fireman's Axe (FA) - Used to break down locked doors to gain access to trapped individuals.
Inflatable Life Net (ILN) - Placed near a building with individuals trapped on higher fllors to evacuate them.
B. Available Personnel
Fire Fighter (FF) - Cost 25 Credits. Can use all available equipment and relocate injured victims.
Fire Fighter w/ Respiratory (FF/R) - Cost 75 Credits. Used in heavy smoke situations. Can use fire extinguisher, fire hose and power saw. Can also relocate injured victims.
Fire Fighter w/ ABC (FF/ABC) - Cost 100 Credits. Used in situations with chemical, biological or radioactive exposure. Can use fire extinguisher, fireman's axe and relocate injured victims.
Fire Brigade Diver (FBD) - Cost 250 Credits. Used to rescue vitims in water. Also used to search for sunken objects and mark them for recovery.
C. Available Vehicles
RW - Equipment Vehicle (RW) - Cost 1500 Credits. Transports 3 Teams. Carries all available equipment and can transport all personnel.
TLF - Fire Truck (TLF) - Cost 2500 Credits. Transports 3 Teams. Equipment - FE and FA. Can transport all personnel.
DLK - Aerial Ladder Vehicle (DLK) - Cost 2500 Credits. Transports 2 Teams. Carries no equipment. Can Transport all personnel. If placed near a multi-story building will transport a fire brigade team to higher floor to evacuate trapped victims.
LPF - Fire Extinguishing Tank (LPF) - Cost 3000 Credits. Transports 2 Teams. Carries no equipment. Can Transport all personnel. Design makes it suitable for fighting extremely hot fires.
ASF - Towing Vehicle (ASF) - Cost 250 Credits. Carries no equipment. Transports no personnel. Used to remove vehicle wreckage and certain pieces of debris.
Dekon P - Decontamination Vehicle (DP) - Cost 2500 Credits. Carries no equipment. Can only transport FF/ABC. Helps decontaminate those who have been exposed to biological, radioactive or chemical substances.
TFMB - Transport Vehicle Motorboat (TFMB) - Cost 750 Credits. Carries no equipment, but can carry fire brigade teams equipped with equipment. Can carry 4 fire brigade teams AND 4 rescued parties. Used to transport resources in water. Can rescue victims in water and retrieve objects in water.
LF - Fire Extinguishing Aircraft (LF) - Cost 4000 Credits. Used to combat fires spread over a large area. Do not use in residential/inhabited areas as people will be hurt from spray. Once assigned to mission it will not be available again for three minutes.
FLB - Fire Extinguishing Boat (FLB) - Cost 3000 Credits. Carries no equipment. Transports no personnel. Used to extinguish items on/near water. Has an extremely long range.
2. Technical Units and Personnel
A. Available Personnel
Engineer (EG) - Cost 500 Credits. Used to repair defective signals and crossings. Can also operate a wide variety of equipemt meant to turn on/off certain items.
B. Available Vehicles
FGrL - EKW Emergency Car (FGRL) - Cost 150 Credits. Used to transport EG from location to location as fast as possible.
FGrR - Salvage Vehicle (FGRR) - Cost 2000 Credits. Used to lift/move heavy loads to rescue people trapped under it or to create a path to reach victims.
FGrB - Bridge Laying Vehicle (FGRB) - Cost 3000 Credits. Used to lay pontoon bridge to allow emergency vehicles to cross river. Once a pontoon bridge is laid, it can not be retrieved.
3. Police Forces Vehicles, Personnel and Equipment
A. Available Equipment
Roadblock (RB) - Used as a barrier for blocking streets or paths. If a car runs over a roadblock it functions as a spike strip and will flatten their tires. Can be picked up and moved if neccessary.
Stun Grenade (SG) - Should only be used in dangerous or unpredictable situations. Blinds and Disorients all people in bladt radius.
B. Available Personnel
Policeman (PM) - Cost 25 Credits. Can use roadblock. Used to interrogate and arrest people.
Police Psychologist (PP) - Cost 25 Credits. Used to negotiate with hostage takers or talk to a panicked citizen to help calm them down.
Marksman (MM) - Cost 200 Credits. Can use stun grenade. Can interrogate and arrest people if weapon is not drawn. Weapon provides a non lethal shot everytime.
Sharp Shooter (SS) - Cost 350 Credits. Carries a standard precision sharp-shooter rifle. Used only in extreme situations as every shot is fatal.
C. Available Vehicles
StW - Patrol Car (STW) - Cost 150 Credits. Transports 2 members of the police forces. Can also transport arrested persons.
MTW - Personnel Carrier Vehicle (MTW) - Cost 500 Credits. Transports 6 members of the police forces. Carries Roadblock. Can also transport arrested persons.
SW - Special Car (SW) - Cost 1000 Credits. Transports 6 members of the police forces. Carries Roadblock and Stun grenade. Can also transport arrested persons. This is basically a armoured police van.
PHC - Police Helicopter (PHC) - Cost 3000 Credits. Transports 2 members of the police forces. Can automatically track vehicles/people with its spotlight. Has externally mounted loudspeakers that can be used to evacuate a building.
WaW - Water Cannon (WAW) - Cost 1000 Credits. Used to hold and/or push back a crowd with its auto slewing water cannon.
FLIGHT - Getaway Car (FLIGHT) - Costs 500 Credits. If you would like to fulfil the demands made by the hostage-takers, you can provide them with such a vehicle.
4. Rescue Service Teams
A. Available Personnel
RM - Rescue Medic (RM) - Cost 25 Credits. Used to move victims from mission area using a stretcher.
ED - Emergency Doctor (ED) - Cost 75 Credits. Only he/she can perform exam on patient prior to transport. Can also make reanimation attempt if neccessary.
RDH - Rescue Dog Handler (RDH) - Cost 75 Credits. Consists of handler and rescue dog. Unit is responsible for searching for and locating people in obscure areas or trapped under debris.
B. Available Vehicles
NEF - Emergency Ambulance (NEF) - Cost 150 Credits. Transports 1 member of rescue services. Used to transport emergency doctor to scene quickly.
RTW - Rescue Transport Vehicle (RTW) - Cost 500 Credits. Transports 2 members of rescue services. Used to transport ED and RM to scene and then take victim away from scene.
RHF - Rescue Dog Vehicle (RHF) - Cost 150 Credits. Transports 1 member of rescue services. Used to transport the rescue dog handler and rescue dog to the scene.
RHC - Rescue Helicopter (RHC) - Cost 3000 Credits. Transports 2 members of rescue services. Used in areas not accessible by ground. Injured can be airlifted with stretcher and taken elsewhere.
ITW - Intensive Transportation Vehicle (ITW) - Cost 3000 Credits. Transports 4 members of rescue services. Transports 9 victims. Used to treat and transport a large number of patients. Victims must still be examined by doctor before entering, but will be stabilized automatically once inside.
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