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Stupid policies that police have in your country

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Well, I don't live in France, but they have a strange rule where police vehicles pull in front of a vehicle instead of behind.

(Seeing as the only contribution is based on a country they are not living in, I felt compelled to post a strange policy from a country I don't live in)

also, OP statement and example don't make sense. If there was a bank robbery in progress, wouldn't police normally turn up with lights and sirens? Besides, you can normally spot a police vehicle amongst traffic anyway.

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Well, I don't live in France, but they have a strange rule where police vehicles pull in front of a vehicle instead of behind.

I wouldn't say that was a 'Stupid policy' as it's stops the car driving off and the only way for it to escape would be to reverse which is much slower and gives police time to get mobile.

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I wouldn't say that was a 'Stupid policy' as it's stops the car driving off and the only way for it to escape would be to reverse which is much slower and gives police time to get mobile.

Didn't say it was stupid, just strange (can't think of a stupid one lol)

But from the police stops i've seen, they leave a large enough gap for you to drive away anyway.

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I guess this isn't stupid since it's for your own safety, but you get pulled over and fined for having tinted windows.

What annoys me the most, is that it seems like they follow you forever before they turn on their lights, and I know it doesn't take six minutes to run a license plate.

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I guess this isn't stupid since it's for your own safety, but you get pulled over and fined for having tinted windows.

What annoys me the most, is that it seems like they follow you forever before they turn on their lights, and I know it doesn't take six minutes to run a license plate.

Well, keep in mind what they're running, theyy run the license plate to get the car and the driver. Then they run the car and see if it's A: the right car for that particular plate and B: whether it may have been part of another crime (hit and run, etc) Then they run the registered owner to see if they have warrants.

Also, a cop can't pull you over for having tinted windows. What they usually do is tail you until you give them and excuse to pull you over (turn without signaling, don't stop behind the line, etc) Normally, most police don't care too much about these offenses, but now they can pull you over and whack you with the windows.

EDIT: that's also how they whack you with seatbelt violations. No one can accurately determine whether you're wearing a seatbelt while you and the officer are in motion

EDIT jr: those police just love their whackin' :P

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Well, keep in mind what they're running, theyy run the license plate to get the car and the driver. Then they run the car and see if it's A: the right car for that particular plate and B: whether it may have been part of another crime (hit and run, etc) Then they run the registered owner to see if they have warrants.

Doesnt work that way here. Usually the plate run as the stop is initiated. Then the drivers info is run after they run the plate and get a licence form the driver. The plate check comes back almost instantly from dispatch. Same with drivers info.

Also, a cop can't pull you over for having tinted windows. What they usually do is tail you until you give them and excuse to pull you over (turn without signaling, don't stop behind the line, etc) Normally, most police don't care too much about these offenses, but now they can pull you over and whack you with the windows.

EDIT: that's also how they whack you with seatbelt violations. No one can accurately determine whether you're wearing a seatbelt while you and the officer are in motion

A cop can pull you over for anything. They just dont usually pull you over for just a tint violation or something like that, but I know it happens.

Yes they can actually. If you look in the space between the head rest and the post where the seat belt mounts, you can see the strap if they have it on properly.

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Doesnt work that way here. Usually the plate run as the stop is initiated. Then the drivers info is run after they run the plate and get a licence form the driver. The plate check comes back almost instantly from dispatch. Same with drivers info.

The way I've usually heard them do it (from different people in different jurisdictions) is that they do a check to see if the registered owner has any warrants, pull the car over, and then see if it's actually the registered owner that's in the car

Yes they can actually. If you look in the space between the head rest and the post where the seat belt mounts, you can see the strap if they have it on properly.

While they MIGHT be able to catch it, it would not be admissible in court until they got the guy pulled over and saw it or caught it at a checkpoint. The offender could argue that the seatbelt was covered by his sweatshirt or something. Speeding goes the same way. A cop can't whack you for speeding unless they are standing still and using the radar or driving immediately behind your tailgate.

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Well, keep in mind what they're running, theyy run the license plate to get the car and the driver. Then they run the car and see if it's A: the right car for that particular plate and B: whether it may have been part of another crime (hit and run, etc) Then they run the registered owner to see if they have warrants.

Also, a cop can't pull you over for having tinted windows. What they usually do is tail you until you give them and excuse to pull you over (turn without signaling, don't stop behind the line, etc) Normally, most police don't care too much about these offenses, but now they can pull you over and whack you with the windows.

EDIT: that's also how they whack you with seatbelt violations. No one can accurately determine whether you're wearing a seatbelt while you and the officer are in motion

EDIT jr: those police just love their whackin' :P

True, I guess it running a plate may take longer than you assume it will.

And actually, here in New Jersey you can be pulled over for having Window Tints on the Windshield, driver side, and/or front passenger side windows. New Jersey cities don't care about tinted windows as much, it's really only the small towns who don't have much else to do.

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Apparently you have to have a license to shave in MO? :gruebel:

It shall be unlawful to provide beer or other intoxicants to elephants.

It’s illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket.

A milk man may not run while on duty.

Minors can buy rolling paper and tobacco but not lighters.

Minors are not allowed to purchase cap pistols, however they may buy shotguns freely.

You can not have a antenna exposed outside of your house yet you can have a 25′ satellite dish.

It is illegal to have oral sex.

<-- We'll see about that :P

Single men between the ages of twenty-one and fifty must pay an annual tax of one dollar (enacted 1820).

It is not illegal to speed.

Note that some are city laws and not state.

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While they MIGHT be able to catch it, it would not be admissible in court until they got the guy pulled over and saw it or caught it at a checkpoint. The offender could argue that the seatbelt was covered by his sweatshirt or something. Speeding goes the same way. A cop can't whack you for speeding unless they are standing still and using the radar or driving immediately behind your tailgate.

Um yeah..what do you think there going to do just mail it to the person? If it was a traffic cam, sure but if the cops see it then obviously he has to pull over the person to write the ticket.

As for the stopping part, tell that to the cop who got me for speeding. I was traveling in his blind spot for maybe 2 miles. I finally need to make a right turn but he was blocking me. So I sped up just enough(35 MPH) to where he was able to see the turn signal on my mirror so he would let me over. After a few seconds he slows down just enough to let me in the lane, and as soon as he does he hits his lights and pulls me over. Well turns out, I didnt realize it till it was to late to fight it, the speed limit sign on the other side of the street for south bound traffic(I was northbound) says 35 MPH. So technically it was a legal for me to pass him.

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Um yeah..what do you think there going to do just mail it to the person? If it was a traffic cam, sure but if the cops see it then obviously he has to pull over the person to write the ticket.

As for the stopping part, tell that to the cop who got me for speeding. I was traveling in his blind spot for maybe 2 miles. I finally need to make a right turn but he was blocking me. So I sped up just enough(35 MPH) to where he was able to see the turn signal on my mirror so he would let me over. After a few seconds he slows down just enough to let me in the lane, and as soon as he does he hits his lights and pulls me over. Well turns out, I didnt realize it till it was to late to fight it, the speed limit sign on the other side of the street for south bound traffic(I was northbound) says 35 MPH. So technically it was a legal for me to pass him.

Exactly. If you would have fought it, you would have won.

As for the seatbelt, all someone has to do is get the seatbelt on before they get pulled over. That is the only discernible way for an officer to get someone for a seatbelt. They have to be at the driver's/passenger's door in order to charge someone with it

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Exactly. If you would have fought it, you would have won.

Yep either i didnt realize it until I had already paid, or lets just say I had far more important matters going on in life then deal with some prick cop.

I had one cop pull me over because my brakes locked up(it was down hill slope on the expressway which is 50 mph) trying not to run a red light. He pulled me over anyways claiming i was probably drunk. Oh well just a warning so no big deal, just irritated me because he waited ages to pull me over and had more then enough time to see I wasnt swerving or anything before pulling me over. He had followed me for over a mile before that, and followed me for about 2 or 3 minuetes before pulling me over after hitting my brakes. Plus he was in a slick top so he thought he was slick and I didnt know he was back there. I probably boasted his ego because i lied and claimed i didnt know he was there.

As for the seatbelt, all someone has to do is get the seatbelt on before they get pulled over. That is the only discernible way for an officer to get someone for a seatbelt. They have to be at the driver's/passenger's door in order to charge someone with it

Yes but if your reaching to put your seatbelt on it should be pretty obvious. The cop can issue the ticket anyways and 90% of people probably wouldnt have the balls to fight it.

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Yes but if your reaching to put your seatbelt on it should be pretty obvious. The cop can issue the ticket anyways and 90% of people probably wouldnt have the balls to fight it.

Quite right, most people think it's too much hassle most of the time to fight it. TBH, most people don't know a lot about the legal system. Take this for example, if you're brought in for questioning and not officially arrested, you have the right to get up and walk out at any time. A lot of people don't know that and they can sit there and take the abuse.

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