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question about models

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I was hoping to make some crown victoria models, now I don't know how to do that yet, but I will get around to it, but, my question was, if I make my own model and called it a crown victoria, and it looked like hoppahs model, (but it wouldn't be, it would be my own) would I be allowed to release it?

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If it was your own model then yes.

This should have been in the EN Modding and Mod help section, shouldn't it?

Maybe, but I wasn't sure where to post it, It was a question regarding the la mod models, so hopefully that will work, if not, I'm sorry for the trouble

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You are free to create your own models and release them, no matter if the model has been made before. Nobody has any right to forbid you making a model. We just might to verify the model is actually yours by comparing it. This topic reminds me of a topic on 'the German forum'. I believe it was about some guy who was complaining about the fact other people were making the same model(s) as he did. I laughed my ass off.

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You are free to create your own models and release them, no matter if the model has been made before. Nobody has any right to forbid you making a model. We just might to verify the model is actually yours by comparing it. This topic reminds me of a topic on 'the German forum'. I believe it was about some guy who was complaining about the fact other people were making the same model(s) as he did. I laughed my ass off.

lol, nice, ok thanks, so how would I verify that its my model? would it be small things like size of wheels for example?

and which is better,(for reskining) ms paint or paint.net?

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