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The First post is FALSE

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Well it's been a few years, but if I remember correctly...

Your argument is invalid, via reductio ad absurdum. Which I believe would make this topic invalid.

Somebody give this guy a prize!

But, Since this is an off topic thread, whether or not my argument is or is not valid, my topic is

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Yes, because before you were alive, you were all but a sperm cell, and before that nothing, when you are dead, you are a rotting corpse in the ground, and depending on how you look at the afterlife you may be a spirit too.

You would have to go farther than just a sperm cell, a sperm cell is still alive. Same with being a corpse in the ground. Something is STILL alive.

Then again, this is just the scientific side....

Spiritual side anyone?

Also, it is not an oxymoron. An oxymoron is the combination of 2 or more words that contradict each other to form a noun or phrase, such as jumbo shrimp, deafening silence.

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Firstly, LIKE, I was comparing it to any oxymoron, not saying it was one ;)

And I look at it this way, when you are dead and buried, your body is drained, and you are no longer living, your organs have shut down, anything else living is not you, but merely another organism... You are then just a pack of nutrients waiting to be absorbed by organisms, and become energy... So really when you die, you are recycling yourself to become a plant, which may get eaten, then may become energy or even the things needed for a sperm cell when you will become a new human, well part of the new human... May take thousands of years to luck into it, but it will happen..

As for spiritual, if you believe the Christian side of things, then death and pre-life are two totally different things, as when you die, you become either tormented forever by demons in hell, or you live in paradise, AKA Heaven... Prelife, once again this part is debatable, and it doesn't say much about it, but you are either just created, and you don't have anything already, or your life is layed out and you are sent into the baby without knowledge of what'll happen...

Both sides of life spiritually even with one belief are debatable, but for sure they are different, at least in christianity... Not sure about the rest, as I haven't really studied much on the before and after parts of life in other beliefs...

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My take no matter what:

Now that I’m gone,

remember me with a smile and laughter.

And if you need to cry,

cry with your brother or sister

Who walks in grief beside you.

And when you need me,

put your arms around anyone

and give to them

what you need to give to me.

There are so many

who need so much.

I want to leave you something.

Something much better

than words or sounds.

Look for me

in the people

Ive known and loved or helped

in some special way.

Let me live in your heart

as well as your mind.

You can love me most

by letting your love

reach out to our loved ones.

By embracing them

and living in their love.

Love does not die,

people do.

So, when all thats left of me is love,

give me away as best you can.

Author Unknown

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Is being dead any different than what you were before you were alive?

Spiritual side anyone?

De pents if you believe in reincarnation or not

If you believe in reincarnation, you can never die, nor where you nothing before you where born.

If you look at the christen aspect of the game.

You are a small piece from god, there for you are something before you where born.

But when you die, you stay a (ghost, angel call it what you want) on the side of god.

There for being dead is very much different than before you where born.

(neither religions allow you to be nothing before you where born nor to be nothing when you die.)

I don't know how it works in the other faiths.

So if you want a spiritual side on this topic, you would first have to determine what you are willing to believe and what not.

Personal, i think that it is different because;

Before you where something you did not matter.

But when you have lived you have left a mark on society.

Maby not a big mark, but you where known

Although it would not matter to much for your self.

I mean, How many people do you know that can tell you something about the time that they were nothing.

Or tell you how it is when your dead.

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You would have to go farther than just a sperm cell, a sperm cell is still alive. Same with being a corpse in the ground. Something is STILL alive.

Then again, this is just the scientific side....

Spiritual side anyone?

Isn't saying something is still alive in a corpse like saying a weapon has feelings?

The soul leaves the body and moves on to the next life. What was there is now not, but will be in memory.

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I prefer to think this way:

Brother, when you weep for me,

Remember it was meant to be.

Lay me down and when you leave

Remember I'll be at your sleeve.

In every dark and choking hall,

I'll be there as you slowly crawl.

On every roof in driving snow,

I'll hold your coat and you will know.

In cellars hot with searing heat,

At windows where a gate you meet,

In closets where young children hide,

You know I'll be there at your side.

The house from which I now respond,

Is overstaffed with heroes gone.

Men who answered one last bell,

Did the job and did it well.

As Firemen, we understand,

That death's a card dealt in our hand

A card we hope we never play,

But one we hold there anyway.

That card is something we ignore,

As we crawl across a weakened floor.

For we know that we're the only prayer

for anyone that might be there.

So remember, as you wipe your tears,

The joy I knew throughout the years,

As I did the job I loved to do,

I pray that thought will see you through.

-- Author Unknown

The way I see it I'm going either way, so I'd like to going knowing I'd saved a life by scarificing my own. That's why we do this job isn't it? So others may live.

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