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Guest M.G.D.

LA MOD Missions- Mission Failed

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Hello LA Mod friends

first i would like to say that this mod is realy great.

I've found my old EM4 Disc last week an installed the game directly. Than I've found this fantastic MOD. It's realy nice.

But I've a problem. I can remind, that in an older version of the mod it was possible to go on with the missions althoug there are to many death people and so on.

Most of the missions are absolutly playable but in some missions I want to play more realistic (e.g. the burning airport terminal, crash in the tunnel...)

Is it possible to deactivate that missions will be failed?

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regards


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Thank you for your reply.

Does I just have to change this parameters?

const int MAX_HINTS = 6;

const int MAX_DEATHS = 2;

const int MAX_INJURIES = 6;

I've tried to set this values up to 10 each. But than the game crash after a while.

I don't want to let the game go on even with hundrets of death and injured people. But I wan't to have enough time to play realistic. It means e.g. in the Airport Mission that the police evacuate the terminal, send away the people, redirect traffic with cones and barricades...

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