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Engineering class survey

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In my engineering class at school, I was tasked with designing some sort of organizer. Currently I am in early stages of the engineering design process and I need to conduct research as to what kind of organizer I need/want to design. I was assigned to do some "market research" and I need to survey people about organizers. I thought this forum would be the perfect place to do so as I can reach a wide group of people. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. Thank you very much.

Please keep in mind that the definition of an organizer is "anything that separates smaller items and makes it easy to keep track of them.

1. What kind of organizer would help to make things easier for you?

2. What kind of organizer do you want?

3. What do you need organized?

4. How would you use an organizer?

5. Where would you use an organizer?

6. How much would you we willing to pay for an organizer?

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1. What kind of organizer would help to make things easier for you?

A mobile organizer for the Ipod/Iphone. I use my computer mainly to make notes for things, but if I ever go out or go to school, then it's my Ipod.

2. What kind of organizer do you want?

One that can store quotes, author of the quote, and where the quote can be found (i.e book name and page number)

3. What do you need organized?

Mainly words/characters. Maybe pictures, but probably not.

4. How would you use an organizer?

Don't quite get you, but ok.

5. Where would you use an organizer?

Everywhere. School, home, anywhere where I might get sudden data.

6. How much would you we willing to pay for an organizer?

If it's basic like the one that I said, and had a good user-interface and reliable, then probably no more than £4-5. It's gonna have to be really good to make me pay more.

Did that help? :)

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