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London Mod (V1.3 RELEASED)

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Yea he’s really good, I like the astra that model is great!

And skinning is not that hard :P

It the little things that count:

Once a model and texture is finished from photo reference I usually talk with our researcher about improvements and then add them in, sort of "quality testing" and as I think I have said before I really want this mod to be about quality of the finished product unlike the “England mod” which was a bit of a let down for me.

Any way geography coursework to be done!

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I find skinning hard for now but in the future it won't be that hard for me( I have to learn how to use Photoshop :P). Researching is also a hard work to do. For example even if I knew how to model, skin, and script like an expert a Greek mod would not be possible because I can't get any info for our units from websites. What a shame there are really good vehicles and uniforms but... :(

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  nick the greek said:
I find skinning hard for now but in the future it won't be that hard for me( I have to learn how to use Photoshop :P). Researching is also a hard work to do. For example even if I knew how to model, skin, and script like an expert a Greek mod would not be possible because I can't get any info for our units from websites. What a shame there are really good vehicles and uniforms but... :(

You should learn some skills and make a greek mod!

also i find fireworks better then photoshop



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I can't say that I'm trying to learn some skills. Every time I begin learning something I quit because it is hard or because I'm stuck somewhere. Would you like a Greek mod? Greek emergency units are sometimes really good at what they do but other times they are doing huge mistakes or stupid things.

You must read your Geography before you post a reply here. It's an order :P

Yes these are some Greek Police patrol cars. Octavia and Citroen Xcara are the main city patrol units. The first one is a bit old I think...

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  sniped222 said:
Luisinho is the main modeler I don't make any from scratch I changed most of the fire engines though

I am capable of modeling but he is better then me :P

Any how I'm good at skinning/UV mapping

  nick the greek said:
Then I can say that Luisinho is a great modeler! And you are a great skinner sniped222 :P As far as I know Lusininho started modeling some months ago and he has made some great improvements since then.

Thanks guys :)

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