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Guest Thrill

Why are so little mods actually finished?

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  Thrill said:
why do people say they're making mods, and they never actually finish them.. nearly all members have mods in their sig, and they're 'in production' yet they be in production for lots of year.

WHY do you fool us?

theres only one good mod and thats LA mod, oh and the netherlands mod.

well most ;) people that can work on mod's have lives and dont do this 24/7. Not to sound rude but mabie if you spent time practicing modding skills instead oftalking about people not finishing them they might be done :)

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  pyrofreak said:
Hmm. The Wuppertal mod looks good, but I still have an issue with it. Like so MANY other mods its in German, and there isn't an English translated version. Now don't get me wrong I like the mod, but to me English is like the second language everyone in the freak world learns. I mean really you might see someone speaking German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, or Chinessee, and then all of a sudden they start speaking English. So, there isn't a shortage there, when they start making English variables so we know what the (insert what ever you want) is happening instead of having to post "what does this button do", then I'll get back to you.

In addition to that what's with Germans are nerdy, I'm an American citizen and I'm beginning to wonder about this Damn country. Japan is surpassing us (and they had a TOUGH road), I wouldn't begin to talk about Germany. Wait .... everyone we've conquered in a war is smarter then us, odd. Hmm could it be because most of our country is lazy .... I'm not sure anymore about the US.

Anyway ... good mods (that are up), the Wuppertal mod is good, but when I can understand it in english we'll talk. For me the best so far is Hoppah I don't really care about LA but meh, the mod is pretty awesome. Can't wait for the NY mod but I have my own opinions there. I'm sure my comment will break a few hearts but the truth hurts sometimes too.

Whoa whoa whoa????

Wuppertal is finished?

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  Andrew said:
Sorry for off-topic but:

1. Wuppertal mod looks great! Even better than Winterberg

2. Is it released?

3. Is there an english version?

If somebody knows please answer :)

I actually registered, and this is my conversation.

  em4fan aka Pyrofreak said:
Couple Questions


First, I'd like to say I love your mod, your youtube video is incredible. While watching it I had to remind myself this was emergency 4, and not a new addition.

Unfortunately, I do not understand Deutsch, my ansestors are German and I've taken a few classes but I'm not flaunt :(. With that said, I was wondering will you ever translate your game to English (I know it will be in Deutsch), and when did you say there was a release date (sorry translators don't work well my apologies).

Thank You for your time.

RE: Couple Question

Quoted from "em4fan"

, and when did you say there was a release date (sorry translators don't work well my apologies).

There is no fixed release date. The mod is finished, when all work is done.

Your question, whether the mod will be translated to english, I can't answer, but I think, that you will understand the most, although it's not in english.

If you have any questions, ask here in the forum. I'm sure everyone wants to help you...



As far as the winterberg mod goes, it's in German. Doesn't that make it hard to understand?

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  martjuh.denB said:
and you also forgot the Wuppertal mod:


if you see the vehicles,pictures and movies you have no words anymore to describe it

it is just so amazing

my first reaction was:

is this still emergency 4?

That is a awesome mod

looks so realistic sad to see it gone

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