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Armed Police

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  theocd said:
@Hunter42 Our police use the MP5A3 which only has the modes 'Safe' and 'Semi' so that rules that out.

I was never sure on what MP5s we use, I just knew they had a retractable stock :P

By the way ocd, I wouldn't get offended by Mike if I was you. You'll find that almost all ex-military personnel are very blunt and straight to the point. It's facts that matter, not if their comments can be deemed offensive.

No offense to Mike or any other ex/military personnel - it's just my own observation of people from that line of work.

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The police officers is allowed to open fire on a potential threat to civilians, and other enforcement officers.

A little story an officer has told me when i were at the PD in Aarhus (Danish city)

"I was patrolling when the dispatch called in of domestic disputes with possible weapons implied. The adress was on the same street as i were patrolling with my partner on.

My partner and i arrive to the scene, and draw out guns, and shouts "Police, drop the weapon" at the armed suspect.

The suspect turns around and i was so close to open fire against him, but when i heard the sawn-off shotgun hit the ground, i released the trigger, and got like the impression og "Woah.."."

The little story was told by an Officer from Aarhus Police.

I do not mention any names of good reason.



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  theocd said:
@Mikesphotos First please don't talk to me like I'm five. I appreciate your help but your tone is really offending me. I believe you to be knowledgable in these fields and are in the military and Emergency Services (yet have no proof). I came asking for help on the matters yet all you seem to be doing is putting me dow. I came for advice on other cultures not a war on information and Googling skills. If you wish to help fine, but please don't make it cutting.
  theocd said:
I am over it, all i made was a polite request. I didn't shout it in his face. Secondly, he was Patronising me by highlighting things like ' think the key thing here is no practical experience' and 'Can you provide ANY evidence at all' when more appropriate things could have been written.

Anyway, that's all I'm saying on that.

The OC-D

I hate to be talked down to more then anyone and I dont find a single thing wrong with what Mike said. He simply pointed out that what you seemed to state as a fact was not the case. Nor do I see whats wrong with asking for evidence to back up a statement.

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