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USCG Submod idea!

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  ChicagoFirefighterL3 said:
Well you could lower them into the water with the cable cord the cg dose that

In real life, yes, but this isnt real life. The fact of the mater is the idea has been discussed a few times before, and its simply impossible to lower some one directly into the water in this game, at this time. The command works fine on land, but at this time no one has been able to figure out a way to make this function. Thats not to say it will never be done. At one time the tiller was considered impossible as was a mid mount crane, but obviously Hoppah was able to find ways around that.

Just in case its not clear, and not to be rude, but straight to the point. Its impossible at this time.

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  EmC-Unit said:
Such idea is year old by me

In future such script will be done

First you might wana trim up that sig:

Banner signature:

max. 2 banners

max. 500 x 140 pixels if you use one banner

max. 350kb in size if you use one banner

max. 500 x 78 pixels each if you use two banners

max. 450kb in size if you use two banners

We do not authorise more then two banners!


- If you use two banners, do not use text or userbars!

- If you use one banner of 500 x 140, do not use text or userbars!

- If you use one banner of 500 x 100 or less you are allowed to use one userbar, or two as long that the total of the userbars + the banner is not more then 140 pixels!


max. 6 userbars

max. 350 x19 pixels allowed for each userbar

max 40kb in size for each userbar


- If you use six userbars, do not use banners or text!

- If you use four or five userbars, you are oly allowed to use one text line of 12 in size!

- If you use three userbars or less you are allowed to use 3 text lines of 12 in size or a banner as long as the size of the userbars + the banner stays at max. 140 pixels in size!

Secondly, I wouldnt say it WILL be done until you know its possible.

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  ChicagoFirefighterL3 said:
Hey, anyone who is good at this unlike me i ask if you can make a submod for the USCG Worker so that he can go into the water too and help people on both land and water


the fact is. i believe that the ''drop in water'' is tried before. but the engine doesn't support it.

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