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Guest bajuszati

Help for my modification

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Guest bajuszati

I would like to ask help.

The own one modification (Oroshaza Mod) from the 2. fire station I would like to prepare an ambulance station.

1. fire station:

2 fire engine

1 ladder

1 water delivery

(will be instead of the watertender),

1 rescue truck

1 battalion chief vehicle.

3 ambulances would park then on the ambulance station.

What I have to modify on the scripts in order for this to come into existence.


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  bajuszati said:
I would like to ask help.

The own one modification (Oroshaza Mod) from the 2. fire station I would like to prepare an ambulance station.

1. fire station:

2 fire engine

1 ladder

1 water delivery

(will be instead of the watertender),

1 rescue truck

1 battalion chief vehicle.

3 ambulances would park then on the ambulance station.

What I have to modify on the scripts in order for this to come into existence.


  Newfoundking said:
By the looks of it you just wish to replace LA mod things with your own, which isn't allowed. I'm sorry, but you'll have to start from scratch

if it for private use or what? if that is than we could help otherwise you doens't may publish it because you use hoppah's things

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Hello Hoppah!

I would like to ask help of you based on these, in the form of a permit:


With a greeting


Based on what? J*sus, you need be more specific, because your post is not understandable/clear.

You want permission for something? Tell me what, but please don't tell me you want to use 10 vehicles and a fire station or even the whole mod.

You obviously don't get permission for that if you don't build your own stuff.

The above doesn't count for a private mod.


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Guest bajuszati

I want to hurt nobody with my remarks, I would have liked to try these things only. I would ask an apology here from Hoppah and they, who it Los Angeles Mod it is prepared.

I stay at the game, I am playing with pleasure the Los Angeles Mod song, than always.

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I am asking that you remove you site immediately, and the Download of this mod. You ARE NOT allowed to post a mod with anyone else work, unless you have their permission. Please remove your site NOW, before any other action has to be taken against you.

I'm pretty sure that this is basically the whole mindset of the EMP Forums.

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  bajuszati said:
From me the topic closed, I do not deal with the thing long.

We will, remove the files or you will see consequences...

By downloading the mod you accepted our terms of use + Hoppahs rules. What you are doing is against both

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