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Guest Lilfirefighterbailey

Emergency 4 Multiplayer query

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Guest Lilfirefighterbailey

Hi Everyone,

My first ever topic on the Emergency planet Forum, I have used Emergency planet for months now and haven't noticed the forum hehe. :blush:

I just had my new copy of Emergency 4 in the post today and haven't got off it up until now :). I was just wondering, with the multiplayer option i'd of thought there would be alot more people online but however most of the servers are Deutch which is a problem as they all speak german hehe. I know that the game was made in Germany or something like that (Correct me if i'm wrong) but why isn't there any US servers or even English Servers? I would love to get to know you all on a nice game of Emergency 4 hehe.

Kind Regards


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Guest bcf0514
  Lilfirefighterbailey said:
Hi Everyone,

My first ever topic on the Emergency planet Forum, I have used Emergency planet for months now and haven't noticed the forum hehe. :blush:

I just had my new copy of Emergency 4 in the post today and haven't got off it up until now :). I was just wondering, with the multiplayer option i'd of thought there would be alot more people online but however most of the servers are Deutch which is a problem as they all speak german hehe. I know that the game was made in Germany or something like that (Correct me if i'm wrong) but why isn't there any US servers or even English Servers? I would love to get to know you all on a nice game of Emergency 4 hehe.

Kind Regards


Try hosting an english sever, I know I look for them when I try multiplayer and im sure other players do too :1046275747_biggthumpup:

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Guest Lilfirefighterbailey

Nice idea, just 1 problem. I run off a router and all the port forwarding didn't work as i did not know what ports to forward :D. Any advice :)

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