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Guess the Emergency Vehicle Challenge

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know I got this one

"Built by the members of the Long Binh Fire Department, this 1962, M-113 armored

personnel carrier became quite an impressive form unit. The rig was equipped with a

Navy P-250 pump and held 900 gals of water, 110 gals of protein and 200 gals of Hi-X

foam. "

And heres a pic of it in action


and how I got it, I looked a tthe pic, and assumed nam, becuase it was a 60's pic,(by the quality) and I propertied the picture and went to Firetrucksatwar, and then I click Veitnam and got it!

EDIT: just in case, It was american during Nam, and I think everything else is included in the bio I got!

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aleksander, I think he meant me as it was my post first, sorry

And BTW Ami, sorry I didn't look at the times, I had to fly through typing in case someone was typing at the same time so I could win:P It took me three edits to get the spelling right

While I'm here here is my picture how about a Fire department thing, this is nothing exotic, but its something:P


Its engine 19 for some North American fire department. 100 points to anyone who can name it


You can only post when YOU are told by the hoster of the picture that you have guessed right and it's your turn, Any other pictures will be ignored and not counted!

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Getting real close, but Columbus Fire does not protect Port Columbus, Rural Metro does ( Long Story), this truck is a Columbus Fire Department unit stationed at one of the other two smaller airports in the city.

*when I check back later I'll give one last hint if it's needed*

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This Unit is stationed at the Ohio State University Airport, also known as Don Scott Airfield. It is the only true nearby by ARFF unit though all local companies maintain some approach suits and purple K foam caches outside of what's on their units. THe other airport Bolton Field does not possess an ARFF unit but a station nearby has a dedicated foam unit for both the airport and a large fuel tank farm nearby.

So what's are next mystery vehicle?

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answer to your question, you can do anything with your picture, but the only thing is, you cannot edit the car in focus, like the background car could be edited, but the main car... from the cuyahoga metropolitan housing authority in Ohio cant be edited so trey to find a picture with a blurry logo, If I catch you photoshopping I will disqualify your entry and post one by me so the thread doesnt die

PS let me know if I got that one right

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