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Rooseville Metro - Bieberfelde goes American

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Good morning, good day or good evening dear community.
The title of the article roughly reveals what it is about.

After a long time of consideration, thinking, talking and planning I have decided to create this "Sub" Modification Rooseville Metro with is using an edited base of Bieberfelde 1.2 some of you, might already know the modification some may not. 

Rooseville Metro is a middle-sized American City with is connecting to a forest area. The modification is not going to be a "vehicle replacement" mod, it will go a bit deeper into the details. In the Spoiler below, you will be able to find the concept of the modification and be able to read and through it. If you don't know the modification Bieberfelde 1.2 is, I would recommend you doing a quick YouTube search. As well, I already have two finished models for you can see below the Concept Spoiler

I am still looking for assistance and help in making it reality

Looking for people who can assist making lights for the trucks, people who can assist in map designing and people who can assist in scripting and searching.


Open Spoiler to read the modification Concept


The Idea
Beavertown, Bieberfelde goes american. Why did I choose Bieberfelde as the base? Well it is a fairly good base, multiplayer able and brings a lot of features and customization abilities and lets the creativity the flow free.

Thank you for taking the time and reading the concept. Now you will learn what this is all about

The Stations

- Rooseville Metro Fire and Rescue (Station 1 - 6) 

- Rooseville Metro Medical (ALS on Map)

- Sandbarn Medical (ALS Hospital) 

- Miatainstra Medical (ALS Outside) 

- Rooseville Metro Police Department (Police on Map)

- Fallsray Highway Patrol (Police Outside)

- Tarden River Fire Department (Outside 1 & 3)

- Coldwynne Fire & Rescue (Outside 2 & 4)

The Vehicles


The Map Structure



I as a german always wanted to make my own USA Modifcation, but I was for a long time missing the motivation and knowledge to start it of. Thanks to a few people I decided to make it happen


If everything works out, YES!


Step 1: The Vehicles

Step 2: The Map

Step 3: The vehicle change and vehicle adding

Step 4: Script adjustments.




Currently, completed models: 


Station 1, Battalion 1



Station 1, Engine 21








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Good Morning, Day or Evening.

I wanted to give everyone reading this topic an update on what is currently going on.
 Most of the models are being build new from scratch or being updated to 2022 standards. The Map work has been begun and as well as integration of the Scripts and adjustment.

At the current time, I don't have any pictures to show since they are not 100% completed and skinned yet.

But we are on a good path of making it a reality!


We are still looking for assistance in the 3D segment.



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Good Morning, Day or Evening dear community.

The process is still ongoing. Map is in production and 50% of the scripts are mostly done. The 3D segment is as well very rapidly creating new objects.

We are currently looking for help in texture work (Vehicles Liveries etc.) If you interested in helping us please send me a message over the forum or over Discord: Aleks#1120


I will attempt to post a visual update this or the coming week 

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1 hour ago, TTBL225 said:

Are the textures loosely based on South Metro?

The Liveries of the vehicle are themed after South Metro Fire Rescue, that is correct.
The Screenshots in the starting post are actually outdated, since we have decided to rebuild most of the models and uv-maps. 

I will post a some work and progress and as well completed photos in the coming hour.

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Good Morning, Day or Evening dear community.

As promised, we wanted to show a few pictures of what is currently going on.
I will be showing completed as well as work in progress content in the two spoilers below. 
I would like to thank everyone here that is helping us with the modification and made our team size grow up to 7 persons at current time


Spoiler WIP:


Pierce Enforcer (Will come in different versions (Cab + Backs))

Credits: Waterhey, Sabotage, itchboy




What could this be?

Credits: Sabotage




+ A lot of other ongoing models and background work that will be showed in the coming weeks!


Finished Spoiler


BTFD Medical Personnel

Credits: Aleks, BFE-Team


Firefighters Normal

Credits: TimTim, mibblitz, Aleks


Firefighters SCBA


Pierce Velocity PUC (Has three versions: Fully closed, Open Hose Compartment, Open Hose cover back)

Credits: Sabotage




Generic Bumper Set

Credits: Sabotage



BTFD Station 1

Credits: Waterhey




We are currently looking for a person who can assist was with editing and creating simple scripts. 
If you can assist us please content me over the Forums or Discord: Aleks#1120


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On 3/17/2022 at 4:37 AM, eserys30 said:

Looks amazing, hopefully this won't die, was really looking forward for an American bieberfelde. 

Mod is not dead, The creators are just busy with some other personal thing right now. I know for a fact thing are still being worked on. :)

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Hello, the modification is still being worked on and that heavily. We just started with the first map building steps. Since we are building nearly every model from scratch and planning on some exclusive models as well it’s a long process. By today we have grown to a size of 9 Team members and still searching :=) Mainly for Assistance in 3D work and scripting, for a faster progress. 
We are most active on the EM4 Ressource Discord, there we nearly Post Daily Updates.

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Hello, we have some new content to show, we're currently focusing on 3d Models again, so expect a few posts in the coming weeks.

Let's start of with something truly epic and never done before, The Pierce Ascendant 100' Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower

Credits: Aleks, Mr. Sabotage, Someone
This Model is currently at our texture worker, who is coating in paint. Expect a second post of it in color in the coming days.


The next model is one, I worked for hours on. Probably over a good month. The one and only Rosenbauer RTX 
This model will be placed on Station 3 at its main engine. Engine 31 will its call sign be.
This one has a working tank ^^ not like the one from the LAFD

Credits: Aleks


At the last one for today.  Engine 22 a Pierce Velocity PUC Engine. It will be placed in Station 2 as the main engine.PUC221.thumb.png.994b03cbdb92850ae4937b32ed7becb8.png

Credits: Sabotage, Rocho, Aleks


Comments, suggestions, reactions and tips are greatly welcome!
See you guys in a few days

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Hello, today we are going to present The Pierce Ascendant in its first final form. As Tower Ladder 22 with a Pierce Velocity Flat cab
This Version will be stationed at Station 2 in Rooseville Metro

Credits: Sabotage, Rocho, Aleks

Comments, suggestions, reactions and tips are greatly welcome!

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:56 PM, MrLucas112 said:

This mod died i guess?

People need to stop asking this question, 90% of mods you'll see people saying dead mod but then the dev or others will say it's still being worked on until it become really dead i've seen this happen countless times.

Devs usually have too much ambition and want to release 1.0 and not 0.1 that's why most of them fail too much AMBITION.

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On 2/3/2025 at 4:14 PM, Aleks1234 said:

yeah btw this mod died lol. Lack of Support and so on bla bla bla

If you would be willing to share what you have done, I have plans on doing a SM vehicle pack in the very near future.

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