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[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah

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Guest DkFireandRescue

Hey hoppah.. i have heard from a guy that traffic control is able in your mod i cant find out how to do this??

any help or is this just hot air?? :nixweiss:

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Guest Hanover Firefighter

Hoppah congradulations on making this mod even more realistic then the others. You have earned a well deserving rest. :1046275747_biggthumpup:

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AWESOME! First GTA4 website goes live! More infor, screens and videos.. then this.. and then some other stuff!

Good day, good day after all. Time to sleep now.. 3AM here! :(

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OMG!!! Best hour and a half I have ever spent on a computer! Absolutely phenomenal job Hoppah. The new sirens are awesome, I just think there should be different ones for each vehicles (besides the horn on the fire and ambulance vehicles). Just an idea for 1.6 after your break... Oh, and I took a screen while I played...forgot to load fraps so I had to use my print screen button :P Enjoy!


CHP Charger and Crown Victoria


Rescue vehicles have left scene, ambulance en route to hospital...


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  DkFireandRescue said:
Hey hoppah.. i have heard from a guy that traffic control is able in your mod i cant find out how to do this??

any help or is this just hot air?? :nixweiss:

If you mean stoping or redirecting vehicles, than yes, you can do that. To stop vehicles, put a police officer in the middle of a lane on the road and click on the command "Stop vehicles". Do the same to redirect vehicles except use the command "Redirect vehicles". To redirect vehicles, stop a vehicle with directional lights in the middle of a lane of road, and the clik on the directionl light command. must say this feature is greatly helpful because it makes it so you need one less officer to control traffic.

@ Stan - when I attempted to download the mod, during the last few minutes, at about 98% of the way, I go an error message about the server resseting. I don't know if that's a problem or just somthing routine, but I just thought I'd let you know.

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Wow... Ok 2 hours just flew by...

Awesome job hoppah...

The new sirens are awesome

New models are awesome (in particular the brush truck looks really really good, and no longer goes weird and leaves it's rear spotlight on after you hook up a hose to it)

The dodge charger is legendary, so fast... So shiny...

Didn't get a chance to take a look at the forest trucks, but sure they're good to...

Would have kept playing but I managed to crash the game when I hooked a hose up to a truck and then accidentally told it to go home... :(

Anyway, very very cool... Love how fast you made the charger go :P

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Guest Gil Galvanti

Great job, Hoppah, I especially love the armed arrest feature. No more fist fights or unnecessary shootouts! :). New sirens and models are great. I don't really like the forest fire mission, but that's just because I'm more into the police and accident side of the game rather than fires and medical emergencies, and it runs too slow for me to play it after the fire spreads a while :s.

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Guest Hanover Firefighter

The mod is excelent. It makes me laugh because the new Q's are electronic like we got on our ambulances. Its great good work. The Forest fire mission is HARD but it is amazing how realistic you were able to make the spread of fires.

I got one quick question. The deluxe freeplay map isn't in 911 FR right, just in EM4?

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  Hanover Firefighter said:
The mod is excelent. It makes me laugh because the new Q's are electronic like we got on our ambulances. Its great good work. The Forest fire mission is HARD but it is amazing how realistic you were able to make the spread of fires.

I got one quick question. The deluxe freeplay map isn't in 911 FR right, just in EM4?

Yes, only in Em4 Deluxe

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  bigjamesd said:
i am only geting 12.5 sec can someone upload this file somewhere else so we can get faster download i have 3 hours remaining
  stubbers said:
Hoppah, I'm getting slow download here too 8.7 - 11.2kb/sec. If you're interested in a mirror just let me know, got a reseller account with tonnes of bandwidth and nothing to use it on :(



If the download is slow its really your connection but what you want, an undersea glassfiber cable had a hole in yesterday again. So I suspect this is due to this issue. (Source: Telecomlog) To check it wasn't our server I got 70 kbs to 250kbs (fullspeed for my conenction)

  DkFireandRescue said:
Hey hoppah.. i have heard from a guy that traffic control is able in your mod i cant find out how to do this??

any help or is this just hot air?? :nixweiss:

Wrong you catched hot air, the only man that controls is the man at the racetrack and all he does is stop the race :)

  firefighter111 said:
@ Stan - when I attempted to download the mod, during the last few minutes, at about 98% of the way, I go an error message about the server resseting. I don't know if that's a problem or just somthing routine, but I just thought I'd let you know.

Hmm strange, I didn't get any message from a downtime. Even the sitemonitor found 0 downtimes since 06 January.

Well I only could explain that by one thing. Yesterday when I left to bed at about 00:30AM the Network usage was at 74.15% and the CPU was at 91%. Even though i don't think it raised more it could be that it went stuck at 100%.

Sorry for all the issues. At least the server didnt go down like other releases :P

  emer said:
you have to change the upload date because there stand now Aug 23, 2006 07:10 PM. :P

Nope there's a reason why hoppah keept it on his first release date

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i have to say that what really won me over was the sirens. you can have the best visuals in the world, but qwhat make you think you are actualy there are the sirens. when i first sent my engine to a fire, i actually thought i was sitting in the back of my fire company's engine getting an air pack on. this mod is great. also, i like how the medics can get hoses and fight the fires too :D

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