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Mega City One: Emergency Management [WIP]

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Mega City One: Emergency Management

Hello one and all and welcome to my Judge Dredd mod, thanks for taking the time out of your days to take a look at this thread, I hope that I can give you guys excitement for this mod. Anyways, enough from me, let's get this show on the road.


Department Status:

Medical Squad Status:
(1% Complete) In progress:
Current fleet (Not imported to game yet) :

Medical Squad Ambulance:

MedSquad Command Unit:

MedSquad Heavy Rescue Vehicle:

MedSquad Biohazard Decon Squad:

Well that's all I have for you guys now, feel free to comment or ask me any questions and I'll be happy to answer them, thanks once again for having interest in the mod and taking a look at this post and a big big thank you to all the mod creators out there who are keeping this game alive and continuing to make modifications for the game as well as the community to enjoy.









Mega-City One.png








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Update: I managed to get some of the units in-game and so, here are the units that I have so far gotten into game:

From left to right:

Medical Squad Heavy Rescue Vehicle, which will be your primary response unit for rescuing citizens from situations such as car wrecks, etc.
Medical Squad Biohazard Decon Squad: These are a special team of MedSquad Judges that deal with anything biological, hazardous waste, etc, they're your cleanup & treatment crew for these incidents
Medical Squad Ambulance: This will be the ambulance that you call a med squad out that is able to treat patients on most calls for assistance, they are normally referred to as meat wagons by street judges.
Medical Squad Command Unit: This is a supervisor/Incident command unit


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On 12/3/2020 at 4:37 AM, emerg said:

looks dope dude


12 hours ago, stockboy8 said:

Neat idea, but some of those models are huge man! Will they even work in game?


Thanks guys, I'm redoing all the models so that they are better fit ingame. I'll post more when I have more content

@stockboy8 @emerg

if you guys wanna see more content then what I post on here feel free to come and check out the mod discord:

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Alright guys time for an update, so after a bunch of redesigns and plenty of reworks of the textures, I present to you all the new current fleet of vehicles that are gonna be in the mod. Enjoy

If there any modders or really anyone that wants to help me out with this mod, I'd be greatly appreciated by your assistance, I can bring a modeler and texture artist skillset to the team, the current stuff I'm looking for as far as team members go are:
Map Makers
person model makers (since I do vehicles only as of right now and don't know how to do person models)
Model animators (I can't do model animations on my own or know anything about how to do it in the first place)

anyways enough of me yapping:

I first present, the saloon custom, the first civilian vehicle in the mod:

And on to the emergency vehicles, first we have the fast response ambulance:


Next up:

Yes that is a new recovery truck your seeing. That is the tek recovery truck


and last but certainly not least:

The fire division fire response truck (original name I know) the wheels are white like that intentionally.


Anyways that's enough progress showing off for me today, I'll try to update when I have more stuff, apologies for how slow the mod progress has been as of late.


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All right, it seems like people aren't liking how I have redesigned the models, So, I went through another round of redesigns and here's the work that I have to show for it



Hopefully you all enjoy them

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Alright guys, after some more modeling, I've managed to get some new vehicles into the mod and I'm here to show them to you today as a progress update for you,

currently the vehicle fleets stand at the following:


Medical Squad: 15% complete, still WIP and I intend to get more in,

Fire Division: 15% complete,

Justice Department: 25% complete (there are still a few vehicles I wanna add to this but for the most part I am a quarter of the way done)

Resyk & Tek Squad: 5% complete (I intend to have several different types of recovery and technical vehicles for you all to use in the mod when it is released)

and that's the current state of the vehicles in the mod, now onto the vehicles:

First up from the Justice Department, we have (drumroll please), The H-Wagon aka The Hover Wagon:

the H-Wagon, in it's normal duties it is mostly found transporting critically injured persons or justice department personnel around the city. for the purposes of this mod it will act solely as a air support unit to personnel on the ground.


Next up, also from the Justice Department we have the Manta prowl tank, probably one of the biggest vehicles in the mod so far:



Next up from the fire division, we have the biohazard decon response squad, which goes out for any hazardous spills, etc:



Next up, also from the fire division, we have the heavy rescue vehicle, which is gonna be your traffic accident with injuries/MVA response vehicle:




Next up from the Resyk and Tek Squads we have first the resyk truck which is gonna be your coroner in-game:


Second up, the tek recovery vehicle, which is gonna be just one of several tow trucks that you are gonna be playing with in the mod itself:




all right, that's all the updates regarding the mod, stay safe and merry christmas & a happy new year to all you holiday people, I'll post again when I have more to show, maybe some civilian vehicles or maybe if I can swing it, a showing of the map, who knows what can happen.

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Hello, Emergency 4 modding community, Mega City Mod Team needs your help!

Wolf and I are building a modding team. We have little experience in modding and this project has slowed down because of no reference to vehicles besides the police force shown in the Dredd movie.

Ambitions for this Project: 

  • We would like to build a Mega City Map

  • Have at least 2 to 5 vehicles for each service

How much of this project is done:

  • We only have one vehicle done by Simon849 (mass casualty unit)

  • Wolf is working hard on making new models for this mod, but with no reference for vehicles, it is free-range for any of our modders as long as they show a design or idea that wolf can approve

Release date:

  • Has not been determined

  • There is no pressure on this mod for it to get done, it is just for modders to test their limit in the futurist world of Mega City 

Please DM Wolf or myself if you want to join our mod team :)

Dredd Modding Team.png


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If anyone has any ideas/references for vehicles that they think would work in the mod, please send them here, I need all the references I can get since I am once again, a team of one. A word of warning though, do not expect anything super amazing or even good quality, I am a very mediocre model maker, so the quality of my work is not super great, just a word of warning.

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