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mr matt5432123

EdgeWater Mod (WIP)

90's or 2000's style vehicles?  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. 90's or 2000's style vehicles?

    • 90's style vehicles
    • 2000's style vehicles

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alright, so just a quick update so you all don't get bored.

At the moment I'm working on the "un-seeable" parts of the map like paths, streets/roads, and virtual objects. I will eventually get out an update showing the beta map though I don't know how long until then.

In the meantime I will continue to put out work in progress pics and gameplay videos.


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28 minutes ago, Firebuff319 said:

Quick question, would it be possible to put ALL the units on the map and have a designated spot for them? The one thing I have never seen in a game is a parking spot for the coroner.  Like police staging areas and stuff?

due to how I set up the map there will not be a spot for every single unit without the map being overcrowded. However I think we could probably do some police staging areas for a lot of the patrol cars and coast guard boats. 

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Wow...  No updates since the 7nth. Well just want to let everyone know that I'm just finishing up the map. It will probably be in post-beta stage by next week. Then all I have to is test it like crazy to find all the bugs. But I think we're ok on them, the only bug I've seen is that some ships do not spawn correctly and can't follow their path, though I think I know the answer to that one.

wish I could've got out a pic or video with this, I'll get one out within a week or so when the map is mostly finished. (:

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9 hours ago, mr matt5432123 said:

Wow...  No updates since the 7nth. Well just want to let everyone know that I'm just finishing up the map. It will probably be in post-beta stage by next week. Then all I have to is test it like crazy to find all the bugs. But I think we're ok on them, the only bug I've seen is that some ships do not spawn correctly and can't follow their path, though I think I know the answer to that one.

wish I could've got out a pic or video with this, I'll get one out within a week or so when the map is mostly finished. (:

i cant wait if your making a beta

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13 hours ago, 59955_1453496446 said:

i cant wait if your making a beta

Sorry, I don't think I worded that correctly, I will not be releasing a beta. What I meant was that the map was in it's own beta stages. But no worries, A can't give you a perfect estimate but I can roughly say that depending on how things go, there will be a release in about a month. But like I said, depending on how things go it might be sooner, or it might be later.

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What's up! So after lots of trial and error trying to make the beach look like a real beach I've finally got a good start on it, it's about time I did that, I've been putting it off for way to long.

I know it's not much but it will work for now, Anyways, so here is Edgewater beach's very own entertainment center!


Em4 2016-08-05 13-27-02-551.jpg

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Hey, guys! So I just wanted everyone's opinion on something.

So there are 2 options.

1. Have civil vehicles drive on the outer part of the road and, and emergency vehicles drive on the inner part of the road.

2. Have everyone drive normally like in other mods.


option 1. makes the game realistic and unrealistic because in most countries civilians are required to pull to the side of the road or stop when an emergency vehicles passes, but it's also kinda unrealistic because people don't drive like that all the time.

option 2. makes the game realistic and unrealistic for the same reasons.



I'm leaning towards option one because I don't often notice the civils anyways and I don't like the game's method of passing other vehicles.


But I would still like to hear what you all would like!



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