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mr matt5432123

EdgeWater Mod (WIP)

90's or 2000's style vehicles?  

112 members have voted

  1. 1. 90's or 2000's style vehicles?

    • 90's style vehicles
    • 2000's style vehicles

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UPDATE: I'm no longer the main author of this mod, squad 65 is. they will give you the main updates.

Hello everyone! I'm a newer modder here on emergency planet, but I hope to bring in some good mods and concepts over time. Today I am introducing the Edgewater modification, using the LA mod and +units submod as a base, I have continued to make small tweaks to it and over time it has moved the scene from the large city of LA, to small village of Edgewater. Edgewater is a small town  with a population of about 8,000 residents, however, due to it having a large beach off the pacific and is a commendable place to go on vacation, the city also has about 1,000+ tourists too. the city's fire department is about 90% volunteer.

The time zone is about 2009-ish

the mod contains a new map based on the oil rig map from the campaign which is half water so I also revamped the coast guard and yes, there will be many more incidents involving swift water rescues, including boating incidents, boats on fire, person in distress in water, person caught in rip current, and a plane that makes an emergency landing in the water.

I hope also to make some new missions that involve water rescues and the coast guard.

Here are some pics in the editor.

Here's the team:

Squad 65- main author

mrmatt5432123- Reserve author

Mack body and cab by RD_Saarland











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Interesting concept, a decade or so ago. Just remember that the majority of modding resources that I've ever put out are past your set timeline, so you might need to craft fleet of decade old vehicles.

Given the 2005 date, I'd get rid of the Charger. Your creations could also do better with a better pre 2008 F Series model. The civilian version from the LA mod works perfectly.

I would personally love to see more 90's rigs besides the usual go-to model that people use which is that Mack CF.

The engine example you have would definitely benefit from a 4 door cab, assuming you wish not to change out the Macks.



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47 minutes ago, itchboy said:

Interesting concept, a decade or so ago. Just remember that the majority of modding resources that I've ever put out are past your set timeline, so you might need to craft fleet of decade old vehicles.

Given the 2005 date, I'd get rid of the Charger. Your creations could also do better with a better pre 2008 F Series model. The civilian version from the LA mod works perfectly.

I would personally love to see more 90's rigs besides the usual go-to model that people use which is that Mack CF.

The engine example you have would definitely benefit from a 4 door cab, assuming you wish not to change out the Macks.



Thanks, I too would like more pre 90's older rigs and although I'm new to modeling, I'm definitely going to try.

for the 4 door cab for the Mack, I'll give it a shot and if it go's well I will also make the rear a little higher, and extend the front bumper too.


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Hello all! Big update today! (:    

I've been working on some new units, an old rescue which is my favorite!

a Hazmat vehicle which I think is pretty cool,

and last but not least, a snorkel ladder. however I forgot that I would need a script for it to work like a real snorkel ladder, so it might be scrapped, or maybe I could say that it's just so old a truck that the hydraulics stopped working and it was repurposed as a rescue company?

So, going from the top down, pic 1-2 are of the new rescue squad, 3-4 are of the snorkel, 5-6 are of the hazmat company and yes I realize it says ATF on the top, ill fix that later, 7 is of the hazmat and Mack truck cleaning up a chemical spill,8 is the rescue squad watching over the beach on a busy day, and 9 is of the snorkel as an acting truck company while all of station 2 is on a run to a capsized boat.

tell me what you think, and What else should I make? (staying on the Fire Dept. side of things, police will come later)



Rescue body by Itchboy, cab by RD_Saarland, snorkel structure by me but mounted on hoppah's aerial ladder truck (minus the aerial ladder obviously)



















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Your time is better spent learning to animate the snorken rig to have working support legs. Its fairly easy to do, and Hoppah's tutorial is pretty complete. Better than leaving it non functional, or making excuses in the storyline for it.


As to your hazmat rig, I feel that something along these lines would be more suitable:


Its a fairly easy task to simply take the beer truck model I did and put it on to the ATF International cab. Its your decision to do it or not.

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9 hours ago, itchboy said:

Your time is better spent learning to animate the snorken rig to have working support legs. Its fairly easy to do, and Hoppah's tutorial is pretty complete. Better than leaving it non functional, or making excuses in the storyline for it.


As to your hazmat rig, I feel that something along these lines would be more suitable:


Its a fairly easy task to simply take the beer truck model I did and put it on to the ATF International cab. Its your decision to do it or not.

Wow thats one of my state's hazmat units! And yeah that unit would be cool.

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32 minutes ago, Alex Neumeister said:

I've been waiting for a good snorkel truck, this and the one from Chicago mod are the best I've seen so far, I think the only ones I've seen. I will also ask Eric and Poole if I can give you our Squad 5a Snorkel script

Really! That would be AWESOME, thanks! 

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Alright, so I finished up the new and improved hazmat vehicle which is replacing the old one, it still needs a few touch ups on the texture but its pretty much done! I've also been working on lighting up some of the vehicles too, such as the new rescue... soon i'll get started on the first police units, including crown victorias mostly, but also some special units like the SWAT A and B teams.        Hazmat body by itchboy and front by Hoppah.












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4 hours ago, EmC-Unit said:

Looks nice, but how can we see the authors of these moddels?

I was planning on having them in the readme's however these are some of the last models that I'm getting from other mods, past version 0.5 I plan to have fully new models made and put in the mod.


13 hours ago, itchboy said:

Nice work on the HAZMAT. The only thing left to fix with it is the jagged looking surfaces on the front cab. It looks like there are 'squares' on the front.

yeah, in a few days I'm gonna do a complete overhaul on the models and fix as many things as possible with them.

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2 hours ago, mr matt5432123 said:

I was planning on having them in the readme's however these are some of the last models that I'm getting from other mods, past version 0.5 I plan to have fully new models made and put in the mod.

Be sure to post credits regardless. It is part of the forum rules. I'll give you a head start with names since I am familiar with most content put out for this game.

  • International 4000 by Hoppah
  • Dodge D series Squad by RD_Saarland
  • Dodge Squad box by NNICO
  • Triangle rotator lightbar by Rihis
  • Rescue truck rear body by me
  • Dodge squad lightbar by MikeyPI
  • Ladder truck base by Hoppah, snorkel structure made by you I assume.
  • Mack CF model by RD_Saarland.

Thats what I think your credits model is. Be sure to update all posts for whatever new content you put in. Edit your first post and other additional WIP shots in order to abide by the requirements.

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20 hours ago, itchboy said:

Be sure to post credits regardless. It is part of the forum rules. I'll give you a head start with names since I am familiar with most content put out for this game.

  • International 4000 by Hoppah
  • Dodge D series Squad by RD_Saarland
  • Dodge Squad box by NNICO
  • Triangle rotator lightbar by Rihis
  • Rescue truck rear body by me
  • Dodge squad lightbar by MikeyPI
  • Ladder truck base by Hoppah, snorkel structure made by you I assume.
  • Mack CF model by RD_Saarland.

Thats what I think your credits model is. Be sure to update all posts for whatever new content you put in. Edit your first post and other additional WIP shots in order to abide by the requirements.

oh, thanks I did not know this was part of the forum rules, I'll be sure to get right on that.

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okay, everybody, big unfortunate update today...    my edgewater mod file was destroyed (stupid harddrive)  however I do have an earlier version of it still as a backup. This is going to be a major setback, but I will make it work. I can probably get everything the way it was within a week. I'll do my best to work on some new stuff so y'all don't get bored around here. but that might not be today or tomorrow, I need some time to cool off. sorry guys. ):

Edited by mr matt5432123
crossed everything out cause I fixed it a while ago and I hate reading this post.
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