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Chicago mod 2016 edition

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:xmas: hO,Ho AT first Merry Christmas :xmas:

After problems and ending of Chicago fire mod and Chicago sub mod with help of Rafale and with new team Chicago mod is back in game.Relase will be in 2016 but we have lot of work on it and im asking you to be paicient .Ok first the team im emsfan112 and im from croatia and sorry for bad englishok im skinner ,modeler and co founder of chicago mod also in team arefounder of mode pool and his team im wainting for names to arrive on my e-mail adress.Ok base mod is La mod 2,1 by hoppah we have permissions from itchboy and brooklyn mod team and rafael to use their awsome models and other stuff.Ok model will have real Cfd units and units from tv show Chicago fire and Chicago Pd.Mod will have riot script,new ladder script,pylon and flare script.Im not fan of limmited water supply script but if public wants this script the team will add the script in some newer versions.


:police: Chicago police department  :police:

Cpd as short name will have some of newer cars like ford Taurus and Ford Exploreer with new police shemes .But the mod will feature some older car like Crown Victoria 1994 edition and new crown victoria with old freedom lightbarr

:onceldoc: Chicago Ambulances :onceldoc:

Are  part of cfd mod will have all types of ambulances which chicago fire department use.

Also will have mass casualties units (buses) from O hare airport

:mad22: Chicago fire department :mad22:

Will have reale units from city and from o hare airport and will have units from tv showChicago fire

Here are some prewiew of units that are made to this date 

Note we need help from a lighter and pro moddeler

For today only police prewiewe :)

Original policeman skin is from Pottyscotty
























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Everything looking really nice. Good luck with it, hope to see some more!


Only thing is can I ask you just credit me for the original skin on these officers in the mod readme if you choose to release. Don't worry about doing it for pictures or anything :)



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Everything looking really nice. Good luck with it, hope to see some more!


Only thing is can I ask you just credit me for the original skin on these officers in the mod readme if you choose to release. Don't worry about doing it for pictures or anything :)



Ok thanks mate for heads up for your skin.Thanks to all peopel who likes the mode i need ypur support to carry on working on mod.

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Hey guys Mery Christmas i have some pictures of some Cfd units that are arlredy finished  and some are in progress.Also some pictures from game :)


Also i will introduce units that will be in mod .

There are : Hazmat truck 5-1-1 La France truck

                   Hazmat support truck 5-1-1a Intrenational truck

                   Various ladders also wil have one of tower ladders mayby the newest one ,various truck companies fom chicago city not specificed which units



Additional in plan units :Hazmat truck 5-1-2 La France truck

                                     Truck 7,  Truck 10 and 10s ,Airport tenders 6510,6513,656, but this units are only in plan for later Hummer brush fro o hare airport 


Fire department units credits are :Rafael and Brasil Mod Team ,Itchboy,Me














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You must remove this moddel from the mod and vista lightbars from police cars. Happy new year :xmas:

Model removed from mod thanks for head up :)  New units in few days ,special operations  collapse rescue is almost completed some preview pictures are coming up tommorow:)  :12:

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haha so it is lim thinking of getting the Backdraft units as well if i can model them or i can get help modellign them as im struggling at the min

i have got the scripts for the gates to go up and they have worked on 1 station but will not work on the other station ??

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CFD is actually getting away from the expeditions and tahoes and are going towards explorers for all the battalion and EMS chiefs. Engine 23 also got a new rig a while back and the one you have is now a spare for when the squads go down for maintenance





The city also ordered 3 new tower ladders that are going to be delivered very soon. It's unclear where they're going but only time will tell. Also 5-1-2 is located at O'hare and does runs at O'Hare and I believe the North side of the city while 5-1-1 covers the rest of the city. 




Those are the new towers ^


If you need any more info I'll see what I can do

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