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Unlimited Units Mod

Multiplayer availability?  

200 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want UUM to be multiplayer compatible?

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I would like to announce that you now can download the UUM Mod from the Emergency Planet itself. They recently created a download section for Emergency 5 mods.

The mod is now surely 100% compatible with Emergency5 v1.3.2. Newer versions will not be uploaded anymore to Mediafire, just to Emergency Planet :)


Check it out here: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/625-unlimited-units-mod/

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Unlimited Units Mod has succesfully been updated to Emergency 5 v2.0.2.

Right now you can download it from Mediafire (go look at the main topic).

If you do not trust Mediafire, the mod will be available in the Download centre of Emergency Planet shortly (pending approval).


Also, I added a poll to take a look if people are interested in multiplayer compatibility.

As well, there might be coming a new trailer soon.

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Great, thank you!


Hope to let it combine again soon with the NL MOD.


Cheers!!     :holdglass:



No problem, have fun with it :)




I would also like to say, Unlimited Units Mod v2.0 is now available in the Download centre of Emergency Planet (in case you want to avoid MediaFire)

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Thanks for updating :)

can it be used for 2016 ?

To be fair, I have no idea. (I only have Emergency 5)

Would you mind trying it for me, and let me know if it works?


I have also been working on the multiplayer function, but there seem to be some bugs in Emergency 5 itself that prevent me of making it fully functional. I contacted the developers and they told me they are looking into it.

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Thanks for updating :)


can it be used for 2016 ?


To be fair, I have no idea. (I only have Emergency 5)

Would you mind trying it for me, and let me know if it works?


I have also been working on the multiplayer function, but there seem to be some bugs in Emergency 5 itself that prevent me of making it fully functional. I contacted the developers and they told me they are looking into it.


I recently purchased EM-2016. What I CAN say now, is that once you start-up the game, you'll enter the menu where you can choose to play either EM-2016 or EM-5. As I chose EM-5, I noticed that the UUM (singleplayer) works like a charme since it had been recently fixed to work with the SixteenTons software update v2.0.2. I did NOT choose for playing EM-2016 yet, since you have to work yourself first through the level of the "Middle Ages" before arriving in the "here and now". Besides, I am still waiting for the NL MOD to be repaired and made available to work with the new software update as well. This, for the so simple reason that I find that the NL MOD is, in the detail, often so much nicer/better then the original German game. 


I am definitely not certain about this, but MAYBE one could say, that the UUM should also work inside the 2016 game, since my experience showed me that UUM DID work inside EM-5. Again, EM-5 itself, was started up through the EM-2016 game menu. 


For what it's worth... :mellow:


Cheers!!      :holdglass:



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Why not make this multiplayer compatible? you claim it ruins the fun for others,


however, by default, an user CANNOT Connect to another users modded online session unless he has the same mods active and installed,


in the end it should be the users choice weather or not they want it in multiplayer or not, we are not too good at this game and often lose control and have too less units....


so for instance


modded client a starts a game with UUM_V2 Active,

Un modded client cannot find the server as un modded client doesn't have the mods installed that the host has.


i would greatly appreciate it if you could make a multiplayer compatible version.. judging by the votes allot ask for too almost 100 people want it.. please add it i spoke to the creators and they sayd its fine to be added as only members with the same mods can join meaning everyone in that session has the same unlimited units and mods active.


please reconsider your choice in this matter. <3

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On 18-3-2018 at 4:01 PM, Gabriel Evans said:

Could you maybe help me get this mod also to work on the em 16 and 17

I don't think it will work anymore. The developer quit modding and there has been no updates for the later EM 2016, - 2017, - 20 patches...?



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bro i need help. first off when u said to overwirte the gamedata file in em5 it doesnt even let me play any missions i launched the game the modification panel is empty, then u said to drag and drop the .zip file WHERE IS THE ZIP FILE all i see is content, gamedata, and some other file name project,json u need to help me because im confused asf right now

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