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LA MOD V3.1.5  

556 members have voted

  1. 1. Lighting

    • Excellent!
    • Nothing Special
    • Bad
  2. 2. Mod itself

    • Awesome
    • Good
    • okay
    • Alot to improve..
  3. 3. Opinions about myself(helps myself)

    • Friendly and always respectful
    • Its okaay
    • Lagging respect
    • Worse then that!

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Don't know if it's just me. But on either map, when starting the Ladder truck in station 1 is side ways and blocks the paths of the ALS engine and the rescue truck. The only fix I've found is to have PD shoot it and tow it then replace it. Also, the paths with the engines both ALS and BLS in station 1 are "off" as they can't seem to figure out how to park and usually end up somewhere near the station.

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1. i absolutly don't have parking problems wth the fire trucks! NOTHING! i know there are missing modelfiles on the map, that is a known bug. But as have said for million times now i won't fix it since i make a enitly new map and won't try to figure something out and fix it halfass. Please keep calm and just enjoy what is there until the new map arrives! Remeber: I work in all my free time to finish it as fast as i can. But as some Pro-Modders said, it needs time and should be done by yourself. Thats what i do now. Besides that i have real life and iam very busy with my last school things to do before i have a large amount of holidays when i will finish it

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Credits go to the original Creators:





creator of Rockport modification

woody_BLAH for the scripts

So you use my mod as a base and don't even bother to give credit? What about Itchboy for his models?

What makes this worthy of the "3.0" distinction? It is basically my submod with some small alterations. Once you make a new map then yeah I could understand the 3.0 distinction because with a new map it takes a lot of time and creativity to come up with a texture. Then you have to place objects on the map texture and make them match up to the map texture. You have to place numerous "streets," paths, and so on and so forth to make it playable. Not to mention troubleshooting those things. I really don't see what makes this 3.0 worthy but that's just me.

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Really love this mod and all the hard work everyone put in to it. I have a small problem. I have install the mod and when it loads up all i get is the two fire station from la mod 2.0 and none of the other stations. Can someone please help me get the other stations on there.

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And unfortunately time for a staffer to enter into this one...  Your mod is missing very important things in it, I know as I downloaded it to verify this fact.  You have no documentation included in the download of the mod, the credits listed on the first page is nice and all, but it isnt a comprehensive documentation of those who contributed to this mod, not even close from what I understand of it just glancing.


Therefore, for the time being this topic will be locked until such a time as you rectify this situation and appropriately credit everyone who should be credited, that means in the form of a document included with the modification along with the first post credits (which are incomplete as well).  At such a time as you've rectified these issues and have properly credited all individuals which have content within this mod, then we can release your topic back to you and move forward.  As it stands I do not see Hoppah credited correctly, nor anyone else involved in the LA mod, along with other credits being incomplete and/or totally missing. Including the original readmes from the LA mod files doesnt exactly equate to documentation since you probably removed/replaced some of the stuff listed in there out of the mod, make your own readme document that lists what is exactly in use.  It may be easier for you to just copy the LA mod readmes, but you did not just use the LA mod content, so you need the documents for your mod, not just the original la ones.


Fix these  issues and include proper documentation IN the actual download that not only lists people, but also what their contributions are with regards to this mod.  If you wish to be credited for what you do, it is simply flat out wrong to not take the time to sort out who is responsible for which items that you've used and document their assets accordingly.  You were permitted to use them, in most instances authors just want to be credited appropriately. Make it right.

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Really love this mod and all the hard work everyone put in to it. I have a small problem. I have install the mod and when it loads up all i get is the two fire station from la mod 2.0 and none of the other stations. Can someone please help me get the other stations on there.

think that's how it's ment to be this version.
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This mod has currently been taken down for use. Due to various copyright violations, all download links have been removed for the time being. The author of this mod has to develop a new version that follows the rules of the site, and only then will it be reavailable for release. 


It's important to credit people, otherwise this will happen to you, and much worse. 



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Im glad the admin finally stepped in and shut this mod down.  I downloaded it and played it for 10 minutes and realized it was someone elses map and itchboys vehicles added to the game and bam it was called 3.0 but I was not going to call someone out on the fact and get banned for causing trouble by the admins.

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Im glad the admin finally stepped in and shut this mod down.  I downloaded it and played it for 10 minutes and realized it was someone elses map and itchboys vehicles added to the game and bam it was called 3.0 but I was not going to call someone out on the fact and get banned for causing trouble by the admins.

Yeap why report something that is wrong and help anyone out, instead talk of how we finally stepped in when someone else reported it where you opted to not do so.  Your whole statement is a trip.  "calling someone out" does not apply when reporting something that is a violation, you've been around long enough you'd know that.

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So because my name was mentioned and to avoid any fallout from this:

Listen, this isnt about who has the better mod. Absolutely not.


This is about you not crediting us, me and those people that I mentioned and Xplorer4x4. It doesnt matter I have better vehicles or whatever. It doesnt matter that your mod has YouTube videos or a cult following or whatever.


Its the fact that you failed to credit us, and thus leading your audience to assume that you created all of this by yourself, when that is not the case.


I was alerted to the lack of a readme for my vehicles (as per our agreement) and you also did not include the readme for the LA police upgrade mod.


When you asked to use my LA vehicles, I didnt know you'd use them to create your own LA Mod. While I am fine with you doing it, I was irked by the fact that your credits were often vague and made the end user assume you made everything. See those YouTube videos of TheNorthernAlex, AceAlphlax, Patar1441 and WildcatsMike.


Your mod is the first search result for "emergency 4". Its a coveted position that earns thousands of views. Now wouldn't it have been easy to at least clarify that not all content was yours and then relay it to the YouTube presenters so that the work of CFD, Goog, Me, Xplorer and others could be recognized?


In your excitement to release a mod, you forgot these documentations. Had you simply included these files, your mod would be not in trouble.


I did not go out of my way to shut your mod down. Neither did Xplorer4x4. None of us did. We only did what I felt was right and took ownership for the many things that we owned in your mod.


I gave you an alternate solution. You could continue your mod, but without my vehicles and Xplorer's scripts and map. It would be easy for you to do that. By your own you have a map you can use thats unique. You could start from there. But it is your choice and only yours to cancel the mod. At the end of the day, it is your mod and your decisions into what you do or put into it.


Good luck with your future modding endeavors.

To everyone else. Just dont forget to credit people upon release of your mods. WIP's here need to be credited, though not as prudently as an actual release.

Im glad the admin finally stepped in and shut this mod down.  I downloaded it and played it for 10 minutes and realized it was someone elses map and itchboys vehicles added to the game and bam it was called 3.0 but I was not going to call someone out on the fact and get banned for causing trouble by the admins.

There's nothing wrong with reporting wrongdoing. All you needed was proof that there was no documentation and then you could have taken it to a mod. This guy didnt get banned or anything, so there is no harm in doing what you feel is right. You just need to be 100% sure that you have a valid reason when you hit that report button or send a message to MikeyPI or NFK.

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Nooooooooo!!!!! I have waited for a long time for this. What did you do to screw this up. We all respect you bro but u messed up. Is there a chance guys that he can redeem himself????? I would love to see this version be back and running...I love everyone's hard work. You guys are awesome.

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This mod has currently been taken down for use. Due to various copyright violations, all download links have been removed for the time being. The author of this mod has to develop a new version that follows the rules of the site, and only then will it be reavailable for release. 


It's important to credit people, otherwise this will happen to you, and much worse. 





Sorry guys, i've been a noob and just lighted and skinned things that others made. Mod is taken down but since itchboy has just the much much better version of a la mod recreation, you won't miss the mod.


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Im glad the admin finally stepped in and shut this mod down.  I downloaded it and played it for 10 minutes and realized it was someone elses map and itchboys vehicles added to the game and bam it was called 3.0 but I was not going to call someone out on the fact and get banned for causing trouble by the admins.

I know i made a mistake. But that is very poor. Not saying anything before and now you don´t just say you´ve noticed missing credits, NO you insult me and try to make me look like a bad thief and stupid idiot. YOU should just reported it and everything is okay. And if you not noticed almost 80% of the vehicles have been completly relighted, also i was working on a complete new map.

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And yes, it is ME who cancelled the mod. I may do the map and make if avaible as a submod, no vehicles included. Also i didn´t want to say that anyone of you guys is the reason this mod got taken down. IT IS MY FAULT!!!!! Im german so some posts may sound like i try to say the original creators wanted to cancell it. Also i just use Youtube to show what the lighting looks like, a video is much better then pictures. It is/was not my intention and i absolutly didn´t want to show off with others content. I forgot to credit them properly out of excitment. Maybe i also should have taken more time to do everything properly and credit everyone. But, guys, why don´t you use itchboys recreation of the LA Mod vehicles? Its a very good alternative and im sure you won´t miss anything which is in my mod. Im not stopping to mod, no, this teached me how to NOT do it.


Thanks you guys for you support once again, this is my last post here.


October 2014 - May 2015.





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