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Guest 123zippy

is emergency 5 being created

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  nick the greek said:
LA mod 1.9 and NY mod will make the game more interesting. If there wasn't any modifications I wouldn't play this game again. Em 4 without modifications sucks! We need Em 5!

You people always need more and more and more and more, what if Em4 wasn't ever created? We would still be playing Em3

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Well, there is hope, as www.emergency5.de is already reserved by sixteen tons entertainment.

Also seeing how many people are actually still playing the game after 3-4 years? Their stats should show that too.

And I love the Idea of writing a letter!

But, prices should go up indeed, as I bought EM4 Deluxe Edition for only 15$

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  Multibullets said:
Well, there is hope, as www.emergency5.de is already reserved by sixteen tons entertainment.

Also seeing how many people are actually still playing the game after 3-4 years? Their stats should show that too.

And I love the Idea of writing a letter!

But, prices should go up indeed, as I bought EM4 Deluxe Edition for only 15$

That domain name is registered for 4 years already....

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Well, look at an earlier post:

  MCERT1 said:
Honestly I was shocked when i saw Emergency 2 on shelves. There were five years between Em1 and Em2. Personally I think EM2 was horrible and probably the end, them out came 3 and 4.

Point is I think they feel loyalty to the franchise to some degree, it may not be top priority but they wouldn't abandon it.

Might be, they still have 1 year. But I wouldn't mind waiting 2 years if it's an awesome game.

On the other hand, what is the difference if they make a 5th? It's all the same anyways... But I enjoy it awfully lot!

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does anyone know if they released Gotcha! or The Show for Xbox 360? cause this is on their job openings list:

We are seeking a flexible and talented Programmer to join our young and creative developing team to work on our upcomming XBox 360 titles.

XBox 360 programmer (m/f)


You have a passion for game programming.

You already worked on a previously released XBox 360 or XBox 360 Arcade games title.

You have deep knowledge of:

- Languages: C, C++

- object oriented programming

- 3D and shader programming

- Software optimization for best use of limited resources

You have the ability to work within a tough schedule.

You are motivated to work in a small team of creative people.

We are looking for employees in Tuebingen (Germany) as well as for freelancers also in their home office.

More information: http://www.sixteen-tons.com


All applications are treated with the strictest confidence. If you match the profile, don’t hesitate to send us your CV to the following e-mail address:


makes you wonder...

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lol i played normal freeplay yesterday (and am about to go load the save) cause if your good with the normal game you can officially not be an EM4 Noob. (like dealing with an earthquake and then getting a gas explosion right across from the base and having tons of units trapped outside until the small FD got the fires down.

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Guest terminxor

I have been looking all over the internet for news on em5 and have found nothing... i really want an em5 with better graphics, physics, and AI. Also bigger maps make a larger challange

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  Dammond said:
Dont worry there will be emergency 5 !!!!!! go to www.emergency5.de it link to 16 tons website!! ialso havea source confiring it.

Oh you mean that domain that been register since at least 2008-09-30T16:58:02+02:00.


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  762SkS said:
uh sorry, but it is as much american as it is german. they have 2 versions! EM4 and 911 first responders.

I would disagree, just because it is offered in english it is still a European based game. Every model in the game is European, from the persons, to the vehicles to the buildings.

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Guest Lunchb0x

I read today, at a norwegian gamingsite that there will be a sequel to the Emergency series called "Emergency 2012". Its beeing developed by the german Quadriga Games and released by Deep Silver.

To be released in the 4th quarter of this year.

The article also states that there will be trendsetting highlights and new content.

Anyone heard anything about this and can confirm/un-confirm this?

Norwegian article here.

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