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New person help.

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So I got the Limited Water Supply script working fine and I decided rather than give my guys the pump command, I'd make a whole new person; a machinist.


After some trial and error I got the unit pictures and descriptions showing, he appears in the game as well. The problem is the following:


despite the fact that I gave him the command, he won't board the truck once he steps out, when I click on him and then highlight the truck, he always has the icon for operating the pump. Furthermore, when I uncouple a hose from the truck, he mysteriously spawns into firefighter (with all their commands). So while this in effect solves the not being able to get into the truck problem, it creates a new one in which now I don't have someone who can operate the pumps.


He currently has most of the firefighter commands except for some, like getting into the basket, cooling and extinguishing, among others. Basically he does everything minus putting out fires or breaking down a door with the ax.

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The hose disconnect issue is due to how that function works. It hides the person that connects the supply and makes a copy, and when you disconnect it, it deletes the person you used and unhides the original person.


Did you make sure he still has the EnterCar command? It's also possibly the EnterCar command not thinking he's a valid person for that type. I think the default LA script needs the person to have either Heal, PcmdHeal, PcmdStabilize, or Dive to enter a fire vehicle.

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Oddly enough, I gave him some of the extinguish commands and now he seems to be working. Aside from that issue you pointed out (which is a bit annoying but at least now its not game breaking) it seems to be working fine. As long as he doesn't disconnect the hose going from the truck to the hydrant, he doesn't disappear and turn into a firefighter.


Although for some reason, now my hazmat guys wont pick up dead pigeons whenever I have a biohazard call. I have to send one of my firefighters to pick them up (getting infected in the process) then decontaminate him. It pretty much defeats the purpose of having my hazmat guys on the scene. The commands for the vanilla guy and the one in my game are identical (according to the editor and comparing both prototypes) I wondering if it has something to do with the new guy I added in.

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