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The Loot

Heal Script Overhaul (Mostly Complete, Released) and New Autoheal Script (WIP)

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Okay, so I've completely replaced the original Heal command with the LAHeal command. Medics will heal people, including comatose people, and non-medics stabilize, all in one command. Having the medic bag equipped gives a bonus to heal rate, and is still required to heal comatose people. The only issues now are that you lose the defibrillator animation and sound, and medics hold the bag in their hands when healing instead of putting it down.


Function is fine and the rest are simply cosmetic; it's going to take some additional animation control scripting, and removing items from people's hands and creating them on the ground, and then reversing the process when done. That I'm not sure of how to do, though.


Also, working on a new script to automatically make personnel run/rerun the command on nearby injured people at an interval, using a list of priorities:

  1. People Not Evaluated/Classified
  2. People Who Are Comatose
  3. People Who Haven't Been Stabilized
  4. People Who Have Less Than 10% Health
  5. People Who Have Less Than 50% Health
  6. People Who Aren't Fully Healed.

Full permission is given to use the script in mods, as long as credit is given to me and Hoppah (for the original LA mod script).


2/14 - New version added. Person will not be stabilized during healing unless health is 50+%.


I also have a personal version which puts restrictions on transporting people. If below 50% health when treatment begins, a person must be transported in an ALS vehicle (which are assigned with a Dummy Command). This requires several other script edits (EnterCar and PutInCar), plus creating and assigning of the dummy commands to appropriate vehicles.


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New Heal script added to first post.


However, I just got an error.

Capitalization counts. Ignore and redownload.


I have a whole new idea on how to do an auto-heal script that should do everything as I'd like it. Here's what I've got to start: 


This is a very rough bit of scripting as I don't know if all the terms and values are correct (even after borrowing code from Hoppah's various scripts and checking a bit into the SDK), and the most complicated I've tried so far. The biggest part is going to be getting this command to automatically run on people with the other heal command. I assume it'll end up looking a lot like the Water Supply script, so your assistance is again greatly appreciated Hoppah, when you have time.


Edit: First draft of possible script. Still need clarification on at least one function, and general checking otherwise. I'm still not sure if all of this is possible.


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