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RTS Bieberfelde English Translation (v1.8, current release)

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On 1/8/2019 at 6:11 PM, wnaughton8 said:

When I initialize units when using this english translation, the game crashes. How do you install the pack correctly?

I have the same exact issue. Apparently it's also an issue with steam users (I've tried both via steam and the Amazon digital version and both have the same issue) It would be great if this game got some proper mod support from steam with their workshop...but alas...it does not.

If you ever find a solution can you share? If I come across something I'll be sure to post it!



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On 8/16/2020 at 12:33 AM, Duftmand said:

Does this mod still exist? i'm trying to download it but when i open the RAR it says the archive is either damaged or in unknown format


On 1/15/2021 at 4:53 PM, Biscaia112 said:

Does anyone have an updated link?


On 9/3/2023 at 4:43 AM, SheLuvsAJ said:

anyone have this downloaded and can pass it over it wont let me download it.


There is a mod. BUT it seems to no longer work (well for me atleast.)

Spawning (well trying to spawn) all vehicles end up with the command 'Operational Stop'. I either have personally broke the mod or the english translation no longer is up to date.

OR im using the wrong version for it! either way its a shame.

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