tbone1fire Posted March 10, 2017 Report Share Posted March 10, 2017 any update Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noah Young Posted May 2, 2017 Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 when is this mod going to be out 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted May 2, 2017 Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 On 5/2/2017 at 12:16 AM, Noah Young said: when is this mod going to be out Expand When you signed up to the site, the rules said that 'asking for release dates is not allowed'. Consider this a final warning. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbone1fire Posted May 19, 2017 Report Share Posted May 19, 2017 any word on progress we haven't heard anything in along time Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted May 19, 2017 Report Share Posted May 19, 2017 I appreciate the enthusiasm but (once again) please refrain from asking about updates. As it is with every mod topic, progress will come when it does. Bama has pretty much said what has been needed to be said about where this project is going. EDIT: Does anyone know what cab this truck is? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zappy125 Posted May 24, 2017 Report Share Posted May 24, 2017 On 5/19/2017 at 3:32 AM, itchboy said: I appreciate the enthusiasm but (once again) please refrain from asking about updates. As it is with every mod topic, progress will come when it does. Bama has pretty much said what has been needed to be said about where this project is going. EDIT: Does anyone know what cab this truck is? *PICTURE HERE* Expand I think it's a Freightliner. Maybe an FLD120? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted May 24, 2017 Report Share Posted May 24, 2017 On 5/24/2017 at 12:03 AM, zappy125 said: I think it's a Freightliner. Maybe an FLD120? Expand Looks like it could be that or the FLD112. Either way, thanks for the info. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThinBlueLineKY4 Posted May 24, 2017 Report Share Posted May 24, 2017 It is a Freightliner FLD112 M916A3 military truck converted to firefighting purposes keep up the good work itchboy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted May 28, 2017 Report Share Posted May 28, 2017 Ive been given permission to post announcements while Bama is away. He should be able to give his take on it soon. This is whats going on with the Montana mod as of now: A new version is being worked on. This post is intended to give more detail to what bama said on page 1 of this thread. It will be slow and take time, but it will be done eventually. There will be no announced release date. The existing agencies in the mod will be dumped in favor of their real life counterparts. The last month on my part has been spent finding out what the vehicles in each agency are, understanding how each agency functions. The above posts regarding that truck are just one of dozens of pieces of information I've had to sift through. Mod wise, I have been setting up the foundation of the mod by creating all the needed folders, prototypes and units files before the assets are even created. This is being done so that the mod can be tested immediately as I am able to knock out each vehicle. The biggest change to the upcoming version of the mod will be the inclusion of these real-world accurate vehicles, along with proper implementation of the dispatcher and battalion chief scripts that were incorrectly set up 2 years ago. We are also floating ideas of having the river on the map being used as a water source, and portable pond functionality for the tankers, that way the player does not need 10 tankers to fight a forest fire. It also potentially means that we do not need to make 10 unique tanker models just so that fires can be fought. Bugfixes have been done to the mod such as functionalities that would 'bleed' into each other like the ability to get a taser and traffic cone at the same time, causing the police officer to bug out. The performance issues have been sorted out for the most part, but we found out that the original playable units were causing a noticeable drag on performance which is why the decision was made to scrap them entirely. Ill make another post at a later time to explain what was done to optimize the mod's assets. Another change is the setup of the on map VFD station. Gone is the 2nd engine which will be replaced by a tanker. We found that having the tanker made the first engine much more usable and flexible in what it could do. We have no intention on adding anything to the on map VFD. In fact, it was actually suggested that the VFD station be removed in order to simulate the real Monida area, but some of these fictional elements will still remain in the mod. No changes will be done to the FP map apart from adding in the default Em4 events that were missing such as defective traffic lights & rail crossings along with the rabid dog callout. 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
di_loves_planes Posted May 28, 2017 Report Share Posted May 28, 2017 Best of luck with the development Hope it turns out amazing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeastyBill88 Posted May 28, 2017 Report Share Posted May 28, 2017 Nice to hear this is still being worked on I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but do you guys plan to scale down the size vehicles? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted May 29, 2017 Report Share Posted May 29, 2017 Yes. We're redoing em to be the same scale as what most other mods use. No point in having larger scale vehicles if they're inconsistent like the orig mod's vehicles. The large scaling also made AI pathfinding and going around obstacles quite difficult for some vehicles. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeastyBill88 Posted May 30, 2017 Report Share Posted May 30, 2017 Thanks for the confirmation Itchboy. Looking forward to seeing more updates in the future. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted June 16, 2017 Report Share Posted June 16, 2017 One of the things we have planned for the upcoming version is the missionscript which would enable us to have a new set of callouts that are distinct from the original Em4 ones. I have to make a decision though. There are 2 possible setups that can be done but we cannot have both. Setup one would be this. It features a lot of sub objectives such as "investigate theft", "collect evidence", "send arson unit", etc that would need to be completed by the player before the call is considered completed. It is limited to only one callout at a time because of the lack of space in the objectives menu, and because the number of script checks would be too much for multiple callouts. This would be favorable for you if you're into RP'ing or taking your time with the mod. Examples of mods using this system: US Army Mod, Wegberg Mod, CPH Airport, Wuppertal Mod, the original NYC mod from 2006 Setup two would allow for multiple callouts at a time similar to the original Em4 setup. There will still be new calls but the tasks you need to do to complete them are just the same as the original Em4 setup. You'd simply extinguish fires, transport the injured, tow wrecks. This setup will not have any sub objectives that the player needs to do because the GUI spaces will be filled with the entries for each callout. This script would also require a different type of 'check' different from setup one because of having to handle many more objects, vehicles, persons and so on ingame. Mods using this system: ERS Berlin, cancelled NYC 2 mod, this mission script from the German forums From a modder perspective, option two would make the mod arrive faster than option one. Option two as well would be more stable because I have far fewer things running in the background to check each element. Option one would require the existence of a check for fires, another for injured persons, another for questioning individuals, another for arresting suspects, and another for transporting vehicles, and more for any other elements I wish to include. I also have to tie in checks for a lot of game actions such as entering vehicles so that the game recognizes for instance that a vehicle has been car-jacked by a suspect, or that a suspect has started an arson fire. Each setup has its pros and cons so there's no real 'better' option between the two. I am also experimenting with a few ways to prevent the theft of the mod's scripts and content. I believe it would be of use to other mods who wish to protect their content from misuse. 10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted June 20, 2017 Report Share Posted June 20, 2017 I have forgotten one major thing to explain to people. Once the mod is setup to use the misisonscript FP, it is no longer MP compatible. If the missionscript goes through, we have no intention on making a separate MP version. I will be adding another poll so people can decide. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirage Trapaga Löfmark Posted June 26, 2017 Report Share Posted June 26, 2017 Can't believe that you guys are still going at it and have not just abandoned the mod. Thanks for actually doing this and i cant wait til this comes out to everyone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted July 2, 2017 Report Share Posted July 2, 2017 This is the missionscript freeplay concept that will be going into the Montana mod. The video highlights one negative aspect in the code, that a simple medical call like this can become very montonous due to the lack of much else to do. The video ends in a jarring way at the end due to the game crashing right as the callout ended. Something that I need to sort out obviously, but I at least have something working for starters. Expect a better video once I sort out these programming issues. A lot of features such as the custom dispatch menu will be removed for optimization purposes. No point in releasing something that takes 20 minutes to load, or crashes every 15 minutes because the player just happen to accidentally press the wrong button at the wrong time. That would invalidate the very point of updating this mod, which was to fix the optimization and CTD issues it currently has. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirage Trapaga Löfmark Posted July 2, 2017 Report Share Posted July 2, 2017 On 7/2/2017 at 1:13 PM, itchboy said: This is the missionscript freeplay concept that will be going into the Montana mod. The video highlights one negative aspect in the code, that a simple medical call like this can become very montonous due to the lack of much else to do. The video ends in a jarring way at the end due to the game crashing right as the callout ended. Something that I need to sort out obviously, but I at least have something working for starters. Expect a better video once I sort out these programming issues. A lot of features such as the custom dispatch menu will be removed for optimization purposes. No point in releasing something that takes 20 minutes to load, or crashes every 15 minutes because the player just happen to accidentally press the wrong button at the wrong time. That would invalidate the very point of updating this mod, which was to fix the optimization and CTD issues it currently has. Expand Will the map be the LA mod map or the old country side map Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr matt5432123 Posted July 3, 2017 Report Share Posted July 3, 2017 Very nice. I just saw the second one too, looks very fun and realistic! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itchboy Posted July 4, 2017 Report Share Posted July 4, 2017 On 7/2/2017 at 9:31 PM, Mirage Trapaga Löfmark said: Will the map be the LA mod map or the old country side map Expand The countryside/rural map. Now a question for people. I would like to ask, what specific calls do the US Park Rangers handle? Another gameplay video, this thime the call actually completed thankfully but it CTD'd soon after when the script was 'clearing out' the data from the completed call. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahmadfjme Posted July 4, 2017 Report Share Posted July 4, 2017 arson - illegal hunting - missing child or person - illegal tree cutting - noise complains Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n00bingtarget Posted July 5, 2017 Report Share Posted July 5, 2017 an idea, but might be a difficult one to code possibly - use a script similar to Taser to capture an animal and maybe take it away to release it back in the woods? But would probably have to model maybe a cat in raccoon colors? that'd be a good one to capture. but I would like something for the Park Rangers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RangerDog Posted July 5, 2017 Report Share Posted July 5, 2017 Very cool, however personally i think the costum dispatch menu is supercool, and would also add something new. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Handsup! Posted July 5, 2017 Report Share Posted July 5, 2017 Definitely the in-depth callouts. Montana IMO is built for RPing, you already have different agencies that on a gameplay basis are unnecessary (Volunteers, park ranger, game warden, etc) but wonderful to RP with and provide that a more realistic view of gameplay. Park Rangers also move on illegal campers and those who are posing a threat to the order and general 'niceness' of the forest they patrol, 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olympus1492 Posted July 5, 2017 Report Share Posted July 5, 2017 Firstly, I must say that I'm an avid follower of this modification and I am excited to see what this new version brings to the community, as I've been following this since the beginning. Secondly, as a career firefighter/EMT in a rural county I find this modification very full of potential. In my rural county, we are constantly faced with the issues around the lack of resources available and calls sometimes stacking due to the long transport times and vast area that we cover. For whatever my opinion is worth with my limited knowledge of actually programming this type of script, I have a few suggestions for callouts that I've always wanted to see in this game. I've listed callouts by category of fire, ems and police. Fire Smoke investigation Room and contents fire High/low angle rescue Swift water rescue Grass fire Fire alarms (with the potential to be a real fire once investigated) Natural gas leak Fuel leak Overturned HAZMAT trailer Electrical hazards Fire code inspections Structure fire with occupants injured/trapped that require extrication Illegal controlled burn EMS Cardiac arrest (requiring EMTs to preform CPR and 'work the code,' either achieving ROSC or calling OMI with factors affecting the patient's outcome such as BLS/ALS on scene, duration of apnea, etc) Patient refusals (BLS callouts that may not require transportation to definitive care) Time sensitive callouts (regardless of how high you get the red treatment bar, if the patient isn't to the hospital within a set number of minutes after dispatch the outcome becomes negative. Not every patient in the real world can be effectively stabilized in the field. The only true means of life-saving that is available to us to the speed in which a patient can be removed from the scene and transported to definitive care.) ETOH Suicidal ideations (make the player decide if they will transport the patient against their will or not, possibly ending in a law suit that will take away money for resources if the wrong choice is made) Obvious death Police Vandalism Breaking and entering Trespassing Noise complaint Traffic violations Motorist assists Vehicle accidents without injuries Reports (callouts that simply require an officer to make contact and take a report, with no father action) Illegal hunting Drinking in public Behavioral/psych callouts Homeless pan handling DWI/DUI Murder Assault after the fact Stabbing Domestic violence Drug overdose/use Suspicious person/vehicle Welfare check Prostitutes in the area Wanted person Search warrant Endangered/missing child Sniper Peaceful protest Meth lab (fire/ems as well) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...