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Montana Mod v2.5 RELEASED

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  On 9/24/2015 at 2:42 PM, VojtaEliáš said:

So this is just gonna be a stabilisation or utilizing the mod or can we expect some addons?

Stabilization only. No addons beause bama is busy with real life stuff, so he is unable to make any new vehicles. I will not make any vehicles for Montana because there will be a huge quality difference between bama's models and my own. So for simplicity's sake, I'll be bugfixing while he makes addons.


The stable version is actually gonna be a DOWNGRADE if anything, because certain scripts are to be removed due to their glitchy-ness.

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  On 9/24/2015 at 11:56 PM, Soldjaboy said:

So, we can pretty much expect performance to be upgraded a little?

At the very least that, but it will come at the sacrifice of a few features such as the fire hydrant locking, extend hose and wye script, and the map will have most of its traffic reduced.


A lot of old vehicles from V1 will be deleted, which is the first step in cleaning up the mod. Those game assets are although unused, are still loaded by the game and they do cause a drag in performance.


Another thing that will be lost is that the texture filters placed on the map will go bye-bye, for the sake of performance. Another thing that will probably go is the new HD building textures, which I plan on replacing with low res textures that are more or less the same as default Em4.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 12:08 AM, Corsair said:

Nice to hear that!

I'm doing everything I can to correct everything that is wrong with the mod at present. Its gonna take a couple months (not weeks as I had earlier thought) to sort this whole mess out. My aim is to keep the mod filesize within 600mb, which is the same optimization as my personal LA mod.


Textures, although they look nice will have to be sacrificed. I believe that it is better to lose that quality aspect than to have the whole mod be unplayable.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 12:15 AM, Corsair said:

:happy: Now thats a man! :happy:

Textures I believe, based on the issues other mods have with Intel GPU's is the root cause. I think those GPU's dont have the same memory capacity or capability to handle, process and store high resolution textures at high volumes, so textures are the first place I'd look into when trying to slim this mod down.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 12:17 AM, itchboy said:

Textures I believe, based on the issues other mods have with Intel GPU's is the root cause. I think those GPU's dont have the same memory capacity or capability to handle, process and store high resolution textures at high volumes, so textures are the first place I'd look into when trying to slim this mod down.

256x256 works pretty well for most person textures. 128x128 works fine too, if you want to be economic and save even more space. Personnel textures above 512x512 don't make any sense and in vehicles I usually try to keep between 512x512 and 1024x1024 or even lower resolutions for civilian traffic vehicles, for example. It really depends from case to case.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 1:37 AM, Ghost Graphic Designs said:

256x256 works pretty well for most person textures. 128x128 works fine too, if you want to be economic and save even more space. Personnel textures above 512x512 don't make any sense and in vehicles I usually try to keep between 512x512 and 1024x1024 or even lower resolutions for civilian traffic vehicles, for example. It really depends from case to case.

My CivCars are 1024, and person skins are 512. Though I have "special" versions of my ped skins which are 1024 and some high res skins of my playable units, I probably wont include that in the final copy of either Montana or LA.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 4:18 AM, tbone1fire said:

could you release the unstable and the stable

This might be constured as asking for a release date btw, be careful with your words.


I will not be giving out a broken mod, so the unstable version is going bye bye, and the stable one will need one or two months of work to be complete.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 1:54 PM, tbone1fire said:

i did not mean it like that I meant to say are you going release a high graphic version 

It is going to be one version that works for everybody. This will not have an "HD" and "SD" version. It will just be "The Montana Mod". There is no need for any fancy HD gimmicks or tricks.


I am doing this next update myself while bama1234 takes a break from Em4 modding to focus on real world responsibiliites. A one man show simply cannot redo every vehicle, script, texture, and make it all work for Intel GPU's, and not in a short time. Thats why I've got some of my part-time helpers who assist ocassionally. They are: Flnn Rescue 12 on lights, Reaper on vehicle skins, and EmergencyFan6299 on all other textures

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  On 9/25/2015 at 2:59 PM, BeastyBill88 said:

Will some of the vehicles be scaled down so they fit in together?

This is how it will work. Because the majority of the vehicles are the LA mod scale ones, rather than the massive ones, I will make all updated vehicles be the standard LA mod scale. The vehicles that will be reworked are the ones that are big. There is quite a number of them. Its pretty much:

  • All new PD units
  • All volunteer FD units
  • All new EMS units
  • One of the original FD units from V1, reskinned, but scaled up.

This would require someone who can skin, light, and do lots of tedious editor work to my standards.

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  On 9/25/2015 at 3:04 PM, itchboy said:

This is how it will work. Because the majority of the vehicles are the LA mod scale ones, rather than the massive ones, I will make all updated vehicles be the standard LA mod scale. The vehicles that will be reworked are the ones that are big. There is quite a number of them. Its pretty much:

  • All new PD units
  • All volunteer FD units
  • All new EMS units
  • One of the original FD units from V1, reskinned, but scaled up.
This would require someone who can skin, light, and do lots of tedious editor work to my standards.

Ah yes that's what I meant Lol, it just looks a bit strange having big vehicles with the standard la sized ones. Ah Well good work takes time and but wouldn't the skins still fit the standard vehicles once they are done, as long as they are mapped properly?

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  On 9/25/2015 at 4:33 PM, BeastyBill88 said:

Ah yes that's what I meant Lol, it just looks a bit strange having big vehicles with the standard la sized ones. Ah Well good work takes time and but wouldn't the skins still fit the standard vehicles once they are done, as long as they are mapped properly?

Well its a matter of having to standardize it all really, and bring the poly counts down.


The one thing that is super important for Intel users is the large number of textures. I need to lessen all of them to improve compatibilty and playability for Intel users, and also for those with older PC's in general.

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So here's the deal. As Itchboy mentioned, I'm very, very busy with real life at the moment. So he's going to be taking the lead on working on the improvements, bug fixes, etc., for the time being. I'm still controlling the mod and I'll be reviewing everything, as well as jumping in to help contribute when I get the chance.


For the time being, I'm going to leave the DL link down until we get some issues with bugs and content sorted out. I don't have an ETA yet on when it will be back up.


We're also having issues with people taking content from the mod/reposting it without permission/etc., so we need to get all of that ironed out as well.

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  On 9/26/2015 at 1:08 AM, bama1234 said:

So here's the deal. As Itchboy mentioned, I'm very, very busy with real life at the moment. So he's going to be taking the lead on working on the improvements, bug fixes, etc., for the time being. I'm still controlling the mod and I'll be reviewing everything, as well as jumping in to help contribute when I get the chance.


For the time being, I'm going to leave the DL link down until we get some issues with bugs and content sorted out. I don't have an ETA yet on when it will be back up.

This statement is true. This is still bama's mod, and he is still helping me out whenever he can.


Everyone, please be patient because neither of us have an ETA on when we will be back up. From now on, only bama will be posting stuff here. WIP shots, information and the rest.

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