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[SCRIPT] Volunteering Firemen Script Error

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(Didn't know what the 'Vrijwillige Brandweer', dutch, or 'Freiwillige Feuerwehr', german, was called in English.)

I've made a script for a mod which should drive 3 cars that I've placed on the map, to 3 virtual objects.

After that they should get out of their cars.

But I get stuck at the part where they need to get out.

I've tested the script when I added the PushActionMove, and it worked.

But now I've added the LeaveCar action and then I get an script error.

The script:

// 112 Veluwe Hoog Soeren
// Script by: Niels
// Alarmering Vrijwillige Post
const char MOVECARONE[] = "movecar1";
const char MOVECARTWO[] = "movecar2";
const char MOVECARTHREE[] = "movecar3";
const char MOVEPERS[] = "movepers";
const char PROTO_ONE[] = "mod:/Prototypes/Persons/Civil/civilman02_blue.e4p";
const char PROTO_TWO[] = "mod:/Prototypes/Persons/Civil/civilman03_red.e4p";
const char PROTO_THREE[] = "mod:/Prototypes/Persons/Civil/civilman06.e4p";
const char alarmicon[] = "icon graag";
const char sound[] = "mod:/ path sound";
object vwbrwpost : CommandScript

bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)
if (Caller->HasCommand("vwbrwn"))
return false;
return true;

bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
return true;

void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
Mission::PlayHint("Alarmering voor de vrijwillige brandweer Hoog Soeren.");

Person p1;
Person p2;
Person p3;
Person p4;
Person p5;
Person p6;
GameObject *go;
GameObject *go2;
GameObject *go3;
GameObjectList gol;
GameObjectList gol2;
GameObjectList gol3;
ActorList l1;
ActorList l2;
ActorList l3;

p1 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_ONE, "VHSP");
p2 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_TWO, "VHSP");
p3 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_THREE, "VHSP");
p4 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_ONE, "VHSP");
p5 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_TWO, "VHSP");
p6 = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_THREE, "VHSP");

l1 = Game::GetActors(MOVECARONE);
Actor plekp = *l1.GetActor(0);
l2 = Game::GetActors(MOVECARTWO);
Actor plekp2 = *l2.GetActor(0);
l3 = Game::GetActors(MOVECARTHREE);
Actor plekp3 = *l3.GetActor(0);

Vector plek = plekp.GetPosition();
Vector plek2 = plekp2.GetPosition();
Vector plek3 = plekp3.GetPosition();

gol = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA1");
go = *gol.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v(go);
v.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 9.0f);
v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, plek);
v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "ReadyYourself", &p1, 0, false);

gol2 = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA2");
go2 = *gol2.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v2(go2);
v2.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 7.0f);
v2.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, plek2);
v2.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "ReadyYourself", &p2, 1, false);

gol3 = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA3");
go3 = *gol3.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v3(go3);
v3.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 5.0f);
v3.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, plek3);
v3.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "ReadyYourself", &p3, 2, false);

object ReadyYourself : CommandScript

bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
return true;

void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
GameObject *go;
GameObject *go2;
GameObject *go3;
GameObjectList gol;
GameObjectList gol2;
GameObjectList gol3;
PersonList PL;
Vector EPos;
if (childID == 0)
// Car One
Mission::PlayHint("Child 0");
gol = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA1");
go = *gol.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v(go);
PL = v.GetPassengers();
EPos = v.GetPosition();
PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p1);

if (childID == 1)
// Car Two
Mission::PlayHint("Child 1");
gol2 = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA2");
go2 = *gol2.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v2(go2);
PL = v2.GetPassengers();
EPos = v2.GetPosition();
PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p2);

if (childID == 2)
// Car Three
Mission::PlayHint("Child 2");
gol3 = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA3");
go3 = *gol3.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v3(go3);
PL = v3.GetPassengers();
EPos = v3.GetPosition();
PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p3);

It gives the script error: Something with class illegal pointer, on the following 3 lines: (Depends on which car gets there faster)

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p1);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p2);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &p3);

I don't know how to solve this error, as I have never had it before.

Will make a screenshot if you don't know what I mean ;)

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Try changing these lines to:

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &go);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &go2);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &go3);

If that doesn't work try:

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v2);

PL.GetPerson(0)->PushActionLeaveCar(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v3);

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Ok, So I have tried that and still got the error.

So now I 've tried an other way to accomplish the same.

Instead of having the person get out, I just create a person next to the vehicle.

It doesn't crash or give errors, thats one thing, but it doesnt create a person either.

Using this:

Vector EPos;
GameObjectList gol;
GameObject *go;
if (childID == 0)
gol = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA1");
go = *gol.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v(go);
EPos = v.GetPosition();
Person p = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_ONE, "Unnamed")
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_NEWLIST, true);
Game::FindFreePosition(&p, EPos, 100.f);
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false);
if (childID == 1)
gol = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA2");
go = *gol.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v(go);
EPos = v.GetPosition();
Person p = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_TWO, "Unnamed")
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_NEWLIST, true);
Game::FindFreePosition(&p, EPos, 100.f);
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false);
if (childID == 2)
gol = Game::GetGameObjects("VHSA3");
go = *gol.GetObject(0);
Vehicle v(go);
EPos = v.GetPosition();
Person p = Game::CreatePerson(PROTO_THREE, "Unnamed")
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_NEWLIST, true);
Game::FindFreePosition(&p, EPos, 100.f);
p.PushActionShowHide(ACTION_APPEND, false);

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