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Script error: class not defined in the current scope (Need help in general with understanding flow of program)

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Hi all,

I have had 1-2 years now of scripting experience now and I have decided to try out working with emergency's base. I have two questions for you, one is a bit more specific than the other so here I go.

Q 1. Ok, well I know this script is missing a lot probably but basically I am looking for an answer of how to get it to start working in the game...

So here is the error in the log file that I am getting when I start up the editor and load the mod with the script in it.

?(_Airhornfc246a): Error: Symbol CLASS_AirHornAirHorn is not defined in current scope

its saying the the object/class that I have created is not defined in the current scope, is there some where that I need to be defining the script to something?

here's the script...

// ///ENGLISH-USA setup///
// AirHorn.script
// By B2bomber
// on 9/16/11
// Usage of this script in any content is NOT allowed without the expressed
// written consent of Jacob McKim/B2bomber
// This script is used to make the air horn effect for emergency apparatus
// in em4
// Last Edit : 9/17/11
// Version #: 1.0.0
// ///DEUTSCH-Fertig mit Google Translate///
// AirHorn.script
// Von B2bomber
// Auf 17/9/11
// Aufruf des Skripts in beliebiger Inhalte ist ohne ausdrückliche erlaubt
// Zustimmung von Jacob McKim/B2bomber geschrieben
// Dieses Skript wird verwendet, um die Luft Horn-Effekt für den
// Notfall apparat machen In EM4
// Letzte Änderung: 17/9/11
// Version #: 1.0.0

// Start by creating the object
object AirHorn : CommandScript

VcmdAirHorn ()
SetIcon (Sirens);

bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller)
if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_VEHICLE)
{return false;}
return true;

bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
if(!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID())
{return false;}
{return true;}

void PushActions (GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
Vehicle v(Caller);
int soundID;

Vector VPos=v.GetPosition();

soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/Sirens/airhorn.wav", VPos, false);


Q 2. Now In general can someone please describe to me how the flow of emergency's scripts work. I have worked with several different game engines some object oriented some not (Unity,Blitz,Torque,Unreal Engine). Although I really haven't found a good reference for how the flow of the program works. I can kind of see how it working but really would like to see if someone could clarify it for me. I have been using so far...

-Modding Studio 2012

-LA Mod Scripts as comparitive




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