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Emergency Unit Pictures

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Here some foto's, I have packed them in Winrar so you must have that program.

Afvalbrand 25-06-'08 : Waste on fire yesterday, in the farmside of our village, bad watersuppley, thet called in a crane to pull grave the waste out so they can make it out.

Gaslek Morgenster : Gasleak in the ''Morgenster'', a street in our village.


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  Tomyboy said:
Here some foto's, I have packed them in Winrar so you must have that program.

Afvalbrand 25-06-'08 : Waste on fire yesterday, in the farmside of our village, bad watersuppley, thet called in a crane to pull grave the waste out so they can make it out.

Gaslek Morgenster : Gasleak in the ''Morgenster'', a street in our village.

Compost/Refuse fires are the absolute worst. I had the unfortunate experience of spending Thanksgiving 2002 on 20 acre Woodchip/compost fire next to a water reclamation plant surrounded by dairy cow farms. It took us days using bulldozers to knock over the piles and nail it with Aerial master streams and handheld hose lines before it was out. When I got home a few days later I had to park my truck down the block and change in the garage I smelled so bad. I ended up throwing that uniform away, boots and all just because of the foul smell. Thank god for SCBA's though

RivCo FD/CDF T17's ladder up and shooting

Glowing Compost at night

So much smoldering poop... so much smoke

Part of MVU (San Diego) CDF Strike team that came up to assist

Row of RivCo/CDF Engines in Staging

  Incident Information said:
On November 26th, the River fire broke out in Norco, California at a Woodchip/Compost recylcing plant next to the counties Water Reclamation center. 20 Acres of organic recycling and compost that was configured in rows piled 30 feet deep caught fire and burned with an extreme intensity. With thick smoke production and high heat, firefighting efforts were also hampered by erratic winds that threatend to spread embers into the Prado Dam/Santa Ana River watershed area. Only through use of bulldozers and aerial towers flowing over 2 million gallons of reclaimed water a day, were firefighters able to start dismantling the smoldering and burning rows. Each one had to be knocked down and spread out in order to get water to the bottom of the piles where the fire remained.
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UPDATED 06/27/2008: LACoFD FSD Smith Park

A new day, some new pics! Todays up is from the Fire Service Days @ Smith Park in Pico Rivera and includes 44 shots of LACoFD's LARCOPP SUV, Mobile Light and Air Units from FS25 and 115, and LACoFD's County Health HAZMAT vehicle. Enjoy!


And since I've gotten a few PM's about this, here is a list of the folders I'm going to try and get to next in no real order:

From VNY

Erickson Skycrane

LAPD Old Slicktop wakaround



LAWA PD crown vic walk around

LAFD T60 & 90

LAPD Astar old and new colors

LAFD Fire 1 2 3 4 & 6 & old bell 47

LADWP Helicopter

LAPD Bomb Squad - R.O.B


LAFD Bike Medics

LAFD Rehab Air Tender 81 & 59


LAWA PD SWAT and Gear and SUV


LAFD Commad 3


LAFD Foam 114 and Crash 114 and Demo and ARFF gear

LAFD Helicopter Tender 1 & 2


LAFD Gator Medic unit



From Smith Park

LASD Pico Rivera units



LACoFD Camp 2-2






From Van Nuys federal building & Court House

LA City Bureau of Street Services Illegal Dumping Enforcement Dodge Charger

LA GSD SUV and Officers

LAFD Fire station 39


LA City Park Rangers truck

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UPDATED 06/28/2008: LAPD B&W Airships @ Van Nuys Open House

This update is by request. I received an email regarding LAPD's new black and white paint scheme so I moved those pics up to the top of the to-do list and added 32 shots from the Van Nuys open house event of the new A-Star and Jet Ranger . I get a lot of emails from modelers and gamers needing detailed shots, so I hope I was able to capture some of the specifics that that community was looking for as well. Enjoy!

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UPDATED 07/14/2008: Misc Apparatus @ Smith Park FSD

Today's update is the last from the May Fire Service Days in 2008. Included are nearly 30 shots of LACoFD's tribute Engine to the brave Men and Women of the FDNY, Camp 2-2, Confined Space Rescue 103, E103, USAR103, Swift Water Rescue 103, E25, E28, E191, Hazmat 43, Quint 28, WT44, and Pico Rivera Sheriffs. Enjoy! <br />

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UPDATED 07/15/2008: Tons of stuff @ VNY Open House!

This one is a biggie everyone! Today's update is 107 photos from the Van Nuys open house with shots of the new DWP Helos, GSD Facility, LAFD Bell 47, LAFD ARFF Rigs and demonstration, Fire Station 114, Bike Medics, and Command 3 deployed. As always Enjoy!


List of upcoming photos in no particular order:

LAFD:  Fire 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Reserve Hazmat 87, Helitenders 1 and 2, Medic ATV, RA881, Rehab Air Tender 59 and 81, RA 881, Support Utility 2, T60, T90, USAR88, Hummer (retired museum piece), E89

LAPD Bomb Squad R.O.B, Old Slicktop, LAPD Swat, new unmarked unit, Horse Patrol, A-Star

LAWA PD swat, K9, patrol, bike

CHP Helo,

National Guard

Downey PD

ATF Bomb Squad and Van


FBI Swat, Armored Card, SUV, HAZMAT, Bomb tech, MCC, ERT

DEA Medic, SUV, Helo




Inglewood PD

Kern So helo

LA County SO, County Police,Coroner, Co FD Copter, Engine, Water Tender, Fly Crew, and Crew bus.

LA Impact helo

OCSD and RSO Chargers

Pasadena PD


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UPDATED 07/16/2008: Tons of stuff II @ VNY Open House!

Another biggie for everyone to Enjoy! Been busting through these pics left and right and todays update is 96 shots from the same show. Included are LAFD's Helitender 1 and 2, RA 881, Reserve Squad 87, LAFD Medics on a John Deere Special Event MedBed ATV, and Air Ops water dropping demonstration, and shots of Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3, Fire 4, and Fire 6! Enjoy!

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Here are a few shots of our trucks.

Engine 1 and Rescue 2 in their bays.


Engine 2


Engine 3


Ladder 1 B&W


Rescue 1


To clear up any confusion. Some of the apparatus was bought before we officially took on the name of "Senatobia Fire Department". So about half of our current trucks still bare the name "Senatobia Vol Fire Department".

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