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heli problems

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Hey guys, i was messin around in the editor and the LA mod and somethings gone all nuts. As i got trough editing the map the way i wanted it to i saved and exited and went to test it out. loaded my free play and everything seemed fine but the i called in a helicopter and noticed its doors and superstructure or blades when not in the editor are missing. i have the additional units submod so i called in a few more copters and all of them were they same way. to my knowledge i didn't mess around with them in the editor and i certainly did not touch them as far as scripts goes so what could be the issue? i loaded the editor and checked them each in the editor menu to see if i had messed them up there and couldn't find anything wrong so i saved the 3 or 4ish map files and moved them out and replaced all the old files from la mod 2.02 or what ever the latest is and it still does it. short of reinstalling the mod, is there anything that might could fix this or anyway to see if ive messed up something? :help:

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Considering the helos are just like cars... the parts are prototypes chances are you changed a setting on the prototype... if the things appear correctly when PLACED on the map in the editor, not just viewed in the menu on the right... Then I have no idea what you did, the blades missing is one issue, but the doors are no diff than a car's doors...

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well im not sure. like i said i had copied all my original lamod folder to another folder and made kind of a control file in case something went wrong but when this messed up i just copied all those files and such and replaced the old ones leaving out the 3 or 4 freeplay map files cause im not sure which one runs the game, call me editor noob, i was just trying to learn the system =P well since we cant be sure what i did wrong, if i just keep those map files and reinstall the game and the submod shouldn't that fix it? then just put the maps back so the old prototype scripts are back to normal or does the map store some of that data, dont know why it would but you never know..... stupid computers

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Copy the map file(s) out of there, store them somewhere on your computer, uninstall the modification completely, delete the folder left behind in the \mods\ directory (manually) if it is there... sometimes it goes sometimes it stays, verify it's physically gone... REINSTALL the mod unmolested, test the mod verify the helos work again as they are supposed to, then add your maps back in and re-verify... the map should not screw with the helicopter's ability to possess childs.... But ya never know chances are you accidentally edited them and didnt realize you did somewhere along the road.

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ok i hadn't ever actually put one in the map on the editor so i was mislead to think it was simply messing up once i loaded the game. since i now can figure it was a settings change anyway i can fix that without re installing the mod? im sure both fixes would take the same ammount of time but i want to learn more about the editor without taking the easy way out.

EDIT: BTW it is all the helos, in case you needed to know that lol

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You had to damage something in the mod it's self, one group of helos missing their rotors fine, but all of them just should not happen.... Remove the mod completely, delete the folder manually if it doesnt delete it automatically. Reinstall the mod fresh, test it see if they come back, if not it's possible you damaged the original game and will have to reinstall that as well=/

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