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Few beginners questions

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Hi everyone,

I would like to start modding, but I have a few questions.

1. When I create a new mod in the editor, it will be in the list in the editor and in the game itself, but there's no folder in the Mods folder. When I save a map in the mod, it's saved in the default Maps folder, so same folder as original maps, but when I go outside the editor, it isn't there! It's only visible inside the editor.

How can I solve this?

2. Can anyone give a me a short overview with the staps to do to make a mission, where to put the script files etc. So e.g.: make a map - make script - put it in ... etc

3. Where can I choose which missions are included in a mod?

Thanks in advance for answering!

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Well. First of all :welcome: to the forum.

Back to topic: Here is a link, try this! http://www.emergency-planet.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=120&Itemid=35

Thanks for your reply. I have already read that page (and all other tutorials I could find) but as I said when I create a new mod in the editor, there is no new folder created. It looks like this is a bug or something?

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Problem solved. I have to run the editor As Administrator. Otherwise the program can't make changes to the computer (creating folders).

This will help a lot. I will let you know if I have any more questions.

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