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Washington DC Mod Project

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I would like to pool everyone's creative talent to produce a great addition to E4 in the form of a Washington DC complete mod.

My vision is most of the local law enforcement departments such as:

DC Police (local area law enforement)

Capital Police (protects congressional buildings and congressmen and staff)

Federal Protective Service (a branch of Homeland Security to protect federal buildings and some other areas)

Secret Service (presidential security)

For fire/ems I so far have researched:


Any other input on agencies appreciated (without getting too nick picking)

My skills are best used skinning so modelers are appreciated. Both car and buildings.

Of course some of the common vehicles are needed that are already floating about I'm sure such as Crown Vics, vans, and ambulances.

Any pictures of DC vehicles needed as well as I have a hard time finding good ones. Please list the agency in the picture if you post any.

I think missions based in DC would be fun to play out with endless ideas I'm sure everyone has.

I will edit this first post frequently as the mod evolves with important information.

Thanks in advance for helping turn this idea into reality!

EDIT: Click here for a folder I'm keeping with pics of DC area vehicles

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Guest Hanover Firefighter

i know about fire apparatus used by DCFD along with ambulances... Fire uses Seagrave and emergency-one for pumpers, aerials, and rescues, ford utility bodies for special service. Aerials are tillered and their are a couple of aerialscopes. EMS uses ford e class and iternational. command units are expeditions or explorers. the services fire serve are fire/rescue, EMS, HAZMAT, USAR. this is a good site to view their rigs http://www.fdnytrucks.com/files/html/other...ashingtondc.htm

If you need a corrospondant for this i would love to assist (i know jack about computers :P) I am an Ex-chief in NJ and know a lot about emergency services for the east coast.

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Guest James009


If you need any help I can assist with adding units. I have managed to create a Federal Agent (insert agency here) complete with icons and such and add him into LA Mod (not that I'm releasing the modified mod or whatever, just playing around here). However, you could use the suit here as something like a Secret Service Agent, hes even complete with an earpiece. In the background there is also a Police Chief and a Detective. Heres a screenshot:


I'd love to see some progress thats being made! :D

p.s. I've been considering creating some kind of an Executive Protection mod but I don't even know where to begin.

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  James009 said:
I've been considering creating some kind of an Executive Protection mod but I don't even know where to begin.

I just want to say that you could start with the body guards, secret service units, police escort units, and maybe even an escort helicopter. Also, I know everyone probably knows this already, but I love slick tops, so could you try to include one? Thanks and hope that helped.



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Wouldnt you know it.....

....I decide to do something then get a call that I'm hired for a new job and that job is 12 hours a day 6 days a week.

Soooo, I dont have much tiime to even play E4 much less try to make a mod.

Sorry to say one thing and do another :juggle:

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