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Because it's a different place to mod after. China is just as bad if not worse, and I won't even start on Africa in some areas.. You don't boycot a place for a mod because of their government, Emergency services help regardless, it's the government agencies that did that stuff you're referencing to

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Its not because it a bad mod when the soviet do all for not "help" the people in germany ^^

I didn't understand what you wanted to say but...

Yes , the USSR was in war and bla bla bla . But this is a mod. The people who were civilians in the USSR weren't bad and this is a mod about emergency services that used to help people. And most countries(or all) were in war one time.

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This mod doesn't look like it has anything to do with the occupation of Germany. Theres nothing wrong with making a mod about soviet police/fire/medical. By the logic that it's wrong to make a mod involving the USSR because of political reasons there shouldn't be a LA mod because some cops there were accused of brutality. Magnus is being ridiculous. :tongue2:

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Speak another word to provoke a fight and receive a suspension.. There's somen members on here that are young and a lot more mature than you, or most of the members on this site. Let's leave it at this. I've handled it and he's stopped. Any more provocations will result in my swift and just banhanner 9.2Beta(now with spreadshot)

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