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Wegberg Modification

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I don't think that's an ambulance. The video is showing the different the lighting function. I believe that unit is a personnel transport from previous versions.

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It is being released on 06/22/2013 (22/06 outside US).

(Roughly Translated)

The "Wegberger modification" - an extension of the simulation game "Emergency" - is designed by Marco Based Risch and many helpers always realistic. Even the current version 5 has been downloaded over 15,000 times. now the simulation extension goes with many innovations in the 6th Round. In addition to various internal system improvements including new applications have been filed, involved more emergency vehicles and expanded the radio traffic. Moreover, now the police and the emergency services can be controlled, especially blue light and lighting were provided with additional lighting effects. And that's just a small glimpse of the many new features.Wegberger The modification version 6 on 22.06.2013 published here on www.feuerwehr-wegberg.de and available for download.

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Wish you could provide an English translation as I can not work out a lot looks a great mod with great features but can not work out how to get hoses connected or why I only have the station on map and di when I go status 3 the vehicle drives off map and can not seem to follow it!

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Is here any topic for multiplayer help in english?

We had few problems(wegberg6.1.2) with FW, like setting up hose from truck or using DLK's (ladder) basket etc...

Those things are easy on Wegberg singleplayer or just normal Em4 but this isn't working for me :Oo

Any tips are welcome :nixweiss:

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would be good if when i click run to install that something would happen instead i sat thee for 20mins just doing nothing!

Press the little Earth button on the top right when you send all your units off the map. It will switch the map and your units will arrive onscene, but not right away due to realistic response times.

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Basically to respond:

-You receive a page for the fire alarm.

-From 6am to 6pm a chief spawns in the station.

-Put the chief in the white chief vehicle.

-He will automatically open the gate and unplug the vehicle

-Click the radio icon when you select the unit.

-Select Status 3

-Press the red arrow to send the unit to the scene.


-Fire fighters will be responding to the station

-They will automatically run in and put their gear on

-Select one fire fighter and send him to the unit you want.

-He will open the gate and unplug the unit.

-Select more fire fighters and send them to the unit.

-Select the unit and open the radio, go status 3.

-Press the red arrow to start responding.

-Up on the top right, click the globe to load the scene

On scene:

-Once on scene open the radio for the unit and go status 4.

-Empty the vehicle. A fire fighter and the captain will get out.

-The fire fighter will open all doors. Select the captain and rightclick on the truck to remove the rest of the crew.

-If there is a fire, select the truck and click the pump start button on the bottom menu. Its a circle and will say "Pumpen Starten" (something like that).

-The pump should now be running.

-Select a fire fighter with a SCBA pack on.

-On his menu, you will see a fire nozzle.

-Click it and connect it to the fire truck.

-He will now be able to put out fires.

Water Supply:

-Select a fire fighter to grab a standpipe hydrant. (Looks like: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/Standrohr_unterflurhydrant.jpg/220px-Standrohr_unterflurhydrant.jpg&imgrefurl=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_hydrant&h=454&w=220&sz=22&tbnid=h8a14BYRjXGoRM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=45&zoom=1&usg=__IlEiaqzSrEwR5wY16CLjFCrOQe0=&docid=2rPEt-OldYOJIM&sa=X&ei=63HIUaC5AqyayQGZjIG4DA&ved=0CFYQ9QEwAw&dur=1503 )

-This will also make another fire fighter grab a hose line.

-Find a little water connection circle on the ground.

-Select the fire fighter with the standpipe and click on the water connection.

-Once installed, select the fire fighter with the hose.

-Connect to the hydrant, and connect to the fire engine.

That should basically get you through the basic call. I found the best way to learn the game was to watch gameplay videos. Ask questions if you need help!

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Probably not. I translated most of the tool-tips, etc for version 5, however the problem is that the menus that pop up are actually image files. I tried to edit them, however , the developer as locked them in some way I don't know how to unlock. So unless the developer releases unlocked images or does it on his own, we cant make a full translation.

Although, to be honest you don't need to really know German to play. I learned to play knowing almost no German by just messing around and watching gameplay videos.


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