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Manhattan Modification General Topic

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  On 12/26/2010 at 3:41 PM, Dyson said:

As for crashes and map folder issues, if installed correctly there should be no crashes (that I am aware of) but if you don't install the map yeah it will crash

Agan..you do not have a deluxe map included just make a copy of freeplay.e4m and name it dreeplay.e4m. Otherwise users with EM4Deluxe who try to load this as a deluxe map will get a crash. Also you could cut ~30 MB off by only including one eft file in the maps folder. Hell delete that and then just compress the map folder with all the other files so people dont need to extract two archives ad the download would remain about the same size.

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  On 12/26/2010 at 4:12 PM, emsteam said:

The mod is working ok for me. My crime tape works for me,and the ladder is in its proper color.

But,idk if it is just me,but for engine 2 (the one by the stadium) to go back, it has to be near it. And the other thing and it might just be me as well is that I got an earthquake and basically every building in the city caught fire.

I also messed around with the stations for the problem with the hazmat and USAR thing and yea.. I failed at finding something because it happens with every vehicle I put there.

Thats good to hear :) hope you like it, as for e216 (engine 2) it cannot always get in because it is blocked by traffic, so what i do is have 2 ff get out and block the road first, hopefully eventually with help from YSB and Xplorer I'll be able to get that to happen automatically, hope thishelps :)

As for the stuck issue, nar me neither, it used to work so I don't understand, hmm, well atleast it makes the FS look full :)



edit: @Xplorer ok thanks for clarifying, wasn't sure how deluxe worked :)

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  On 12/26/2010 at 4:39 PM, Dyson said:

Thats good to hear :) hope you like it, as for e216 (engine 2) it cannot always get in because it is blocked by traffic, so what i do is have 2 ff get out and block the road first, hopefully eventually with help from YSB and Xplorer I'll be able to get that to happen automatically, hope thishelps :)

As for the stuck issue, nar me neither, it used to work so I don't understand, hmm, well atleast it makes the FS look full :)



edit: @Xplorer ok thanks for clarifying, wasn't sure how deluxe worked :)

It isnt because of the traffic. Like,for instance I had it reply to the docks and when I told it to go to station,and those to fire stations errors came up,but then I had it drive to the station and it went in fine

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  On 12/26/2010 at 4:46 PM, emsteam said:

It isnt because of the traffic. Like,for instance I had it reply to the docks and when I told it to go to station,and those to fire stations errors came up,but then I had it drive to the station and it went in fine

hmm, i think... not sure, it may be because there used to be a slot for engine 2 at FS1 but I removed it, so it thinks it can go there instead, I'll have a look into it ;)

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Guest egghead935677

Hello again Dyson, sorry for being a pain but i wanted to ask one last question. I have the files Los Angeles v2.0 and Maps in my Ny Submod2.3 file. I have extracted them and i think that i am nearly there. I was just wondering how to create the icon on my desktop in which i could play the game? As you can see my computer knowledge is fairly limited. :sorrysign::)

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  On 12/26/2010 at 5:30 PM, egghead935677 said:

Hello again Dyson, sorry for being a pain but i wanted to ask one last question. I have the files Los Angeles v2.0 and Maps in my Ny Submod2.3 file. I have extracted them and i think that i am nearly there. I was just wondering how to create the icon on my desktop in which i could play the game? As you can see my computer knowledge is fairly limited. :sorrysign::)

Create a shortcut to the em4.exe file in the Emergency 4 directory then right click it, and in the Target box, put this:

"Path to Em4.exe" -mod "Folder which contains the NY Mod"

So for example, mine is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Em4.exe" -mod "Los Angeles Mod v2.0 NY"

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  On 12/26/2010 at 5:30 PM, egghead935677 said:

Hello again Dyson, sorry for being a pain but i wanted to ask one last question. I have the files Los Angeles v2.0 and Maps in my Ny Submod2.3 file. I have extracted them and i think that i am nearly there. I was just wondering how to create the icon on my desktop in which i could play the game? As you can see my computer knowledge is fairly limited. :sorrysign::)

Well you should just be able to use the LA mod one if you are overwriting it :)

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Love this! I'm not really having any major bugs. The map has a little trouble, but easy enough to work around. Great job dude :holdglass:

The only bug I've noticed is the PAPD car is missing and the hose connections on engine 1 don't work. Also I thought I remembered mention of riot police before and I can't find any XD

But seriously, awesome work!

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  On 12/26/2010 at 4:39 PM, Dyson said:

edit: @Xplorer ok thanks for clarifying, wasn't sure how deluxe worked :)

No problem in this case if you rename it, it will use the same eft file as the regular freeplay map so then you only need one texture (eft). Personally i have EM4 deluxe, and this way i can make my changes to freeplay and dfreeplay and hat way it keeps any deluxe events in tact for the deluxe users. ;)

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  On 12/26/2010 at 5:35 PM, RiotGear said:

Love this! I'm not really having any major bugs. The map has a little trouble, but easy enough to work around. Great job dude :holdglass:

The only bug I've noticed is the PAPD car is missing and the hose connections on engine 1 don't work. Also I thought I remembered mention of riot police before and I can't find any XD

But seriously, awesome work!

cheers man, the riot police are under work so I have disabled them along with the impala, as for the PAPD as mentioned i messed up haha, and engine 216 is just a mystery :) but thanks good to see someone can actually play the game :D

edit: @Xplorer haha alright :)

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If you dont mind... I didnt some minor adjustments.




And I added USAR and hazmat,the only problem is that they go to the stations they are originally at then come back.



And also.. Lets play some football! (with there own atheltic trainers of course)


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  On 12/26/2010 at 6:14 PM, emsteam said:

If you dont mind... I didnt some minor adjustments.




And I added USAR and hazmat,the only problem is that they go to the stations they are originally at then come back.



And also.. Lets play some football! (with there own atheltic trainers of course)


Well I don't mind but I wouldnt advise adding those gates, they obstruct the entrance, so any fire's inside the UN car park are un-accessable, but looksalright yep, as for the giants, I will be adding some players to there soon :)

  On 12/26/2010 at 6:28 PM, shadowzuziz said:

this happens to me everytime the USAR is still the old skin and it doesnt have the box how do i fix that and the ambulance being white and messed up doors

Have you used a clean install of LA mod?

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  On 12/26/2010 at 6:43 PM, Dyson said:

Well I don't mind but I wouldnt advise adding those gates, they obstruct the entrance, so any fire's inside the UN car park are un-accessable, but looksalright yep, as for the giants, I will be adding some players to there soon :)

I checked it and an engine can go through the gate

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  On 12/26/2010 at 6:51 PM, Dyson said:

really oh sweet I'll ad that in then later on

edit: if anyone fancies taking some gameplay videos that could be useful for me :)

And you kinda read my mind. I am making one now :P

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Hey Dyson, Are you planning to make a Squad? Also, have you thought about addin g alarms? Like the Battalion chief could have a button to call for a first alarm (4 engines, 2 Ladders, 1 Rescue if available, and 1 Squad if available) instead of haveing us manually do it.

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  On 12/26/2010 at 6:53 PM, emsteam said:

And you kinda read my mind. I am making one now :P

Sweet when you upload it to youtube just name it New York Submod .... whatever so I can find them easily :)

  On 12/26/2010 at 6:59 PM, Unit 42 said:

Hey Dyson, Are you planning to make a Squad? Also, have you thought about addin g alarms? Like the Battalion chief could have a button to call for a first alarm (4 engines, 2 Ladders, 1 Rescue if available, and 1 Squad if available) instead of haveing us manually do it.

A squad? and well now I have a few scripters on board hopefuly :D

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  On 12/26/2010 at 7:08 PM, Dyson said:

Sweet when you upload it to youtube just name it New York Submod .... whatever so I can find them easily :)

You want anything particular in it?

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Thanks Dyson and the Team, its a fun mod! will be better once the bugs are ironed out! Great work!

I found one thing that i found funny, when i use repid deployment for the Engine In FS2, they run to the middle of the map with the hoses then back to where ever the station is. Found it quite funny. Could just be me tho, havent played it since last night!

Enjoy your Christmas Dyson and your Team.

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  On 12/26/2010 at 7:11 PM, emsteam said:

You want anything particular in it?

Just gameplay, so I can merge loads of people's videos into a promo one :)

  On 12/26/2010 at 7:14 PM, SleepyLizard said:

Thanks Dyson and the Team, its a fun mod! will be better once the bugs are ironed out! Great work!

I found one thing that i found funny, when i use repid deployment for the Engine In FS2, they run to the middle of the map with the hoses then back to where ever the station is. Found it quite funny. Could just be me tho, havent played it since last night!

Enjoy your Christmas Dyson and your Team.

Yeah it's a really confusing bug haha but thanks same to you :)

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  On 12/26/2010 at 4:12 PM, emsteam said:

The mod is working ok for me. My crime tape works for me,and the ladder is in its proper color.

But,idk if it is just me,but for engine 2 (the one by the stadium) to go back, it has to be near it. And the other thing and it might just be me as well is that I got an earthquake and basically every building in the city caught fire.

I also messed around with the stations for the problem with the hazmat and USAR thing and yea.. I failed at finding something because it happens with every vehicle I put there.

NY does not get Earth quakes like LA does. I think we should disable earthquake or just set it to a very minimum. I my self had just finished redoing my vehicle paths so they could move smoothly and plus I have the EM vehicles getting thru on the center lane. I also added a lot more fire hydrants. Than light post @ police stations. :cheers:

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  On 12/26/2010 at 5:35 PM, RiotGear said:

Love this! I'm not really having any major bugs. The map has a little trouble, but easy enough to work around. Great job dude :holdglass:

The only bug I've noticed is the PAPD car is missing and the hose connections on engine 1 don't work. Also I thought I remembered mention of riot police before and I can't find any XD

But seriously, awesome work!

Engine one does work but there is delay. The firemen will run off somewhere than they come back and hook up to the hose cup lings :laugh: .

A message to Dyson, That 80's Caprice NYPD Car, that model is not to scale with the CV's. My suggestion is resize it or get rid of it. Put the PAPD in its place if you have to.

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