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Guest dm155


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Guest dm155

Website: em4online.webs.com

Required to Join:

First thing first. Become a site member. Click on the members link. Click join site. Fill out the necessary information then you are a limited member. To become a full memberyou then fill out the application and meet the requirements. Once all requirments are met you will become a full member with my approval.


~ Application (Fill out in sites forum)(Will be approved or denied from Moderator)

~ Skype with Mic (For Caht)

~ LA MOD 2.0.2

~ Occram's Lights Submod

~ Additional Units Submod (Check off the sirens too)

Check it out and join. Membership and everything is FREE!! Clan is to have fun and play!!

Also Recruiting for Officers: (Membership is required to apply for officer position)

~ 1 Chief

~ 2 Deputy Chiefs

~ 4 Captains

~ 18 Lieutenants


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Guest dm155

If it will plug into your computer ya you can use it. If it doesn't work in yuor computer than no. Also check cause some computers have a built in Mic. You can still fill out and application and just under mic put in progress or working on it. Thats all. Ill still let you join.

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News flash, it was or still is against forum rules to write in all caps.

Dotn forget rule 7:

# Avoiding cross- and multi-postings

The creation of multiple topics or posts with the same Question/request/comment in one or several forums is not tolerated on our message board. Only the quality of the post determines if you get attention or not. Besides, if there is no one who knows an answer to your problem, there is no reason to bump or post your topic over and over.

Duplicate topic here:

Posted at pretty much the same time.

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Guest dm155


Dotn forget rule 7:

# Avoiding cross- and multi-postings

The creation of multiple topics or posts with the same Question/request/comment in one or several forums is not tolerated on our message board. Only the quality of the post determines if you get attention or not. Besides, if there is no one who knows an answer to your problem, there is no reason to bump or post your topic over and over.

Duplicate topic here:

Posted at pretty much the same time.

Sorry about that. I am alright then if you remove this one in the off topic folder, and I would like to keep the one in multiplayer. Thank you and sorry again. :sorrysign::closed:

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