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Looking For Assistance with 4x4 Submods

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Long story short, I am looking for some one capable of doing a few models in zmodeler. After further analysis, I find sketchup drawings are one large pita and not worth the trouble of getting in to v3o. There polygon count is much higher to. For example I had some one edit a model for me recently. It started off around 1,500 polygons, and by simply putting a raised section of hood on a model, and converting it back to v3o, it grew by about 3,000 polygons which is insane for the tiny modification done. Not to mention UV Mappings are a problem as well.

So I am looking for some one who can help me put the finishing touches on my next submod which is almost ready for testing. I need some one who can model and UV Map. I will need:

1 New Model - SUV Model and UV-Mapped

1 New Model - Ladder Truck Model and UV-Mapped

1 Alteration and slight UV Mapping.

Thats all that will be required from you. So, if you enjoyed my first submod help me make this one even better by contributing your time and efforts to it. Of course full credit will be given, and any one willing to helps gets to test the sub mod before it gets released to the public!

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Surely there is one modeler out there willing to devote some time to help a fellow modder out? For what it worth any modeler with a mod in progress that needs some scripting work done, I can do some scripting. Probably nothing from scratch but alterations I could probably due depending on what it is.

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