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I'm in Britain, and in Britain we havn't invented coffee yet.

We have tea, which we also use to fuel all of our workforce.


But in all seriousness, no. I can't drink coffee.

Firstly it's always too strong for me - unless dilluted with a pint of milk and a handful of sugar.

And secondly, most of it ends up on me, unless it's in one of those take away cups.

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Strong and sugar black. Lots and lots of sugar.

Tee is good too, Citrus is the best though.

Ugh, I hate the taste of over the top coffee. I like my coffee bitter-sweet. I like to retain the actual taste of the coffee. Anyway, I love coffee, I go through about 30 bucks on Starbucks a week. Tea is good, I also like the citrus kind. I don't understand how tea can even be brown like coffee though, it looks like it would taste horrible.
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I drink coffee usually when i go to the mall because in the mall is Starbucks coffee :laugh: ( starbucks is in other parts of the city but that of the mall is closer)

i specially like the Frapuccinos :)

starbucks came 2 years ago to my country before i droke coffee rarely

PS @Gerard Starbucks is the best :holdglass:

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So you like to eat vommit? you're the weirdest girl I've ever met. (Yup I'm keeping it up because you have insulted the throne)

Quiet, Frappucinos are one of God's gifts to mankind. I really like the McCafe Frappes since they are so cheap. But around here they only have Mocha and Caramel and are relatively new. I love Starbucks frappes in the summer.
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The throne of awesomness!

Oh, the one you sit on? No wonder it's ridiculed then.

So you like to eat vommit?

Actually, I've never eaten vomit, but you know when you're going to be sick but swallow it back down? Yea, the after taste is kinda nice. So yes, I do like to eat vomit :mellow:

And iced coffee tastes nothing like it, it tastes a million times better :tongue2:

You're just strange :P

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Why, because I like ACTUAL coffee, that you POUR into a mug, and DRINK from, that's not coffee that's addings to drown out the actual coffee, it's like a little kid wearing a plastic fireman's helmet because he wants to be a real firemen, but can't because it's for big people.

So lemmie recap...

By drinking coffee with chocolate, flavors, ice, sweets other then sugar, tons of cream, and whipping cream, you are broadcasting that you are insecure about yourself aging and want to say that you are a little person trying to be a big person while you have a mid life crisis.

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So lemmie recap...

By drinking coffee with chocolate, flavors, ice, sweets other then sugar, tons of cream, and whipping cream, you are broadcasting that you are insecure about yourself aging and want to say that you are a little person trying to be a big person while you have a mid life crisis.

Mid life crisis... mid life - "in the "middle years" or middle age of life" I'm 17 and according to Gerard I'm having a mid life crisis.... I'm gonna die when I'm 34! :1046276372_bawling:

I like iced coffee for the chocolate and cream :P It tastes better, admit it.

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Why, because I like ACTUAL coffee, that you POUR into a mug, and DRINK from, that's not coffee that's addings to drown out the actual coffee, it's like a little kid wearing a plastic fireman's helmet because he wants to be a real firemen, but can't because it's for big people.

So lemmie recap...

By drinking coffee with chocolate, flavors, ice, sweets other then sugar, tons of cream, and whipping cream, you are broadcasting that you are insecure about yourself aging and want to say that you are a little person trying to be a big person while you have a mid life crisis.

I thought you said you like your coffee with tons of sugar?
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Guest emergency captain

Well even though I'm 11, I drink coffee once and a while. I like decaf with one cream. And on a hot summer day, I love a cuppa iced coffee! :drink:

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