Hi, i've got into a debate (More of an argument) over on another forum and i was wondering if you could help prove me wrong, since i don't like to back down. (One of my annoying traits). Are British constabularies allowed to lay hands on suspects/citizens if they feel threatened? I've seen officers shove people many times when they were cornered/surrounded/etc, but a Spec. Constable is saying he's never acted like that and only when the suspect is wielding a knife/oe, and when life is at risk. Also, unrelated to the debate, do you think the UK police forces should equip firearms (Beat cops)? Many people think we're wimps for not carring firearms, but i've seen figures of 10 gun-related homicides to every 100,000 people in the US, and 0.25 for every 100,000 in the UK, which goes to show with strict gun laws and arm-less cops (Unless you count tasers and Expandable batons) you get less murders!