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First of allgreetings toeveryone, my nameis RodrigoI have22 years,and I am aVolunteerFirefighterin Argentina.I commented thatwhileI am waitingand looking for a Argentinamodfor911firstresponders, without achievingthe goal.I haveseen oneanotherprojectin this forum thathave notyetcometo fruition,I propose to resumeanyprojector startitfrom scratch,from eitherwelcomeanyone interestedin participating orprovidingany help,becauseI'm just atexturing, I have startedsome work, but i'm not a good 3d moder. I hadnoideaofcentralizingthe modina large cityas we used toplay inthe most successful launches.Anyareainside thecountryasI live, hasmanyrisks, amedium sized city,theatraviezanroadsorsurroundingareas (farms mostly)withpotential vegetationas fuel, etcetera.The variety ofsecurityand rescueforcesare large, PoliceStateRoadhighway,ruralpoliceoutside,radio commandof the policepatrollingthe city,emergency medical servicespublic and private,national gendarmerie for backup, heavyinfantryguardasimpact force,municipalserivices, etc .Now, as totheFire, insidethe countrygreatlypredominatevolunteerfire stations with awidevariety of units, but notthe latest generation,in major disasters supporting one anotherbetweenquartersborderingcities and towns.TothisI would love toimplementa system likethe spectacularmod 'PortugalVolunteerFirefighters'. I think itwould be aworthwhilemodto do,or at leasttry them,and couldgive us a differentplaying environment.Belowsomepictures of theemergency servicesas soon as it's ownadvancements,the'll uploadin shortnomorefor now, I hopeyour cooperation,thank you very much.Rodrigo Higway Police of Santa Fe state Rural Police 'Pumas' http://reconquistaho...=wmark&mid=7120 National Gendarmerie Radio comandos Police Public Medical Emergency Services Municipal Services Volunteer Firefighters example of a forestal unit national fire truck rescue unit donated or buyed american fire trucks in a lot of volunteer fire stations