All right guys? Well, as the title says, I'm trying to use SketchUp models for Emergency 4. I believe someone has already done so. Already livários tutorials including master Hoppah and Youtube, but realized the conversion. Skp to .3 ds, and .3 ds to. V3o. My problem is the texture of Sketchup models and the. V3o empty with 0 bytes ... I noticed that many modelso SketchUp already have texture or color and are "grouped" to abriri in ZModeler. Need to separate? Redo the texture? Reduce size? What is wrong? Someone experienced could make a full tutorial explaining every detail and even the windows and tools used to adjust the corertamnete texture and have pro game? Any help and hint is welcome. Thank you! Images: 1 - Open file in .3 d in ZModeler. Note that he is "painted" with the colors coming from the NYPD Sketchup. (not took without authorization, is to test). 2 - note the size and the descriptions in the window of "texture". 3 - After converting to. V3o. File with 0 bytes ... GOOGLE TRADUCTOR.