So first, THANKS to HOPPAH and EM4life for permissions to use their creations in my own custom reskin/mod. I'm making my mod, currently called Hometown, USA. Making it based on a generic non-existent city/county in Wisconsin (just so I can pick a state police & license plates). I want to change the mod so that I don't have duplicates of the default vehicles on the map. Example: Station 1 normally has 3 of the Ambulance2, I want to use 3 different Ambulances, so the models are slightly different (I.E. Medic 2, Medic 3, Medic 4). Same for the Engines. Can someone either post or PM me some info on how this is generally done? I am willing to figure out some of the scripting, but I've never really done scripts. I'm trying to add a siren to the Red Cross Hummer but that hasn't worked yet, but I have an idea on that. I am not asking anyone to take this totally on for me. I want to learn how to do this also. I love reskinning the vehicles, and am playing with some "easter eggs" in my vehicle options if I can get this to work right. Also, if I do this with individual vehicles, can I make the vehicles you call from off map still be duplicates? Example, if I call additional ambulances, they would be private and wouldn't have to have the different "Medic" numbers. Hope I'm not going over my head on this. Thanks for the read!