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Everything posted by AgentSmith6

  1. I know the ambulance in the district closest to me went over to the new International chassis, but I also have yet to see new explorers. BPD uses SUVS essentially only for the K-9s or special units, but I have seen more and more of the MBTA Explorers with federal signal valor bars like BPD is now using so I'd be interested to know whether they use fedsig sirens as well.
  2. Great job, especially on getting the right sirens for the unmarked units. It's the little things that come together to make a great mod, and you've really put the effort in
  3. It definitely sounds like a Whelen at least to me, one of the various 295 series. A few Federal Signals sound similar though, but the 640 and 300s don't
  4. Not bad at all, I remember a similar incident in downtown Boston not too long ago with the same amount of units. One minor critique, Boston EMS ambulances use Whelen sirens, usually in a dual configuration.
  5. I have to say, I'm really happy that someone is doing a Gotham City mod, I always loved how the police cars looked. I recently created a group on flickr that might be able to help you a bit. http://www.flickr.com/groups/2129679@N20/pool/with/3909580181/#photo_3909580181 and I managed to find a Gotham Ambulance
  6. It looks great so far! I can help with some skinning and things like sirens if you'd like
  7. I have to say, I'm incredibly impressed, almost everything seems to be spot on. There are just some minor things that can be easily fixed. PM me if you'd like some help with things like realism.
  8. I have to agree with PremiumMods, with the exception of a few things. I definitely enjoy the different EMS vehicles especially, as well as the addition of detectives. Though I don't have the issue with the EMS ambulances, I also have the issues with the missing vehicles and missing MP5s, shields, and M4s. Overall though, well done and we all have to bear in mind it is just a beta.
  9. Okay, that makes sense. If I recall somewhere though, I heart that they did radar patrols and had the power to pull any vehicle they wanted, though I could be wrong. Anyway, it seems like you guys have more than enough L/E units in game already. http://www.drivesmartbc.ca/enforcement/cvse/cvse-authority
  10. I have to say, well done on the Mod, I can't wait. Just wondering, do you have any plans to add CVSE (Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement) into the game?
  11. Great job, it's nice to have another Russian town to play besides Moscow! I actually have one suggestion for the next version. I see that there's a military base on the map and I wonder if it's possible to maybe add an accident with a military truck and maybe add ??? (military traffic police) to respond to it and pull over other military vehicles. http://avto-nomer.ru/nomerb170780 http://avto-nomer.ru/nomerb166538 http://avto-nomer.ru/nomerb30313 http://avto-nomer.ru/nomerb87938
  12. Do you think you could release the Government Protection Service Units as a pack, like you did for the Grifon units in 1.1?
  13. Not my country's, but here it goes: Saint Petersburg Traffic Police Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Protection (private bodyguards provided by the government) Ministry of Internal Affairs Central Traffic Police Unit
  14. I have to say guys, I've been on this forum for years but this is one of the mod's I've been most impressed by. My one suggestion would be to add some DPG units as backup ARV's, purely because they look incredibly cool in my opinion.
  15. I agree with Mendes on Boston, the neighborhoods are great, we have so many different interesting specialized agencies, and unlike so many more obscure units you see in mods, they actually have practical use.
  16. I can try, but didn't you already create a Berkut for 0.1?
  17. I may be able to help, what camouflage exactly do they use? do they use shadow like OMON?
  18. ah, interesting, so is it going to be more like a reanomobil? and are you planning on adding Berkut for riots?
  19. Very cool! is it going to be used like an ITW, seeing as it's a medical catastrophe unit?
  20. Great mod, just finished playing it. I have a few issues that I don't think anyone has reported, so maybe it's a download issue, but in freeplay I can buy the securitas cars but I can't even select securitas officers to buy, and I also don't have any tull (customs) cars or the Falk tow truck.
  21. Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan has a fairly big EMS dvision, as does St. Luke's Roosevelt along with a few others inter spaced throughout NYC along with a few volunteer units such as the Central Park Medical Unit. If you like, I could pm you some photos and links of units and personnel. In regards to auxiliary, though they are a tad redundant, you see so many around the city that it would seem very unrealistic not to have any. Their functions do cross over with both the sworn NYPD members and traffic agents but are also used for disaster response and crowd control, and have some limited law enforcement powers.
  22. Great job, except for some minor bugs normal for a beta, perfect! Quick question, do you plan to add policia civil at some point in your mod?
  23. First of all, great mod guys, due to schoolwork I really haven't been keeping up with the forum like I should and this was a very welcome surprise. I have a couple suggestions, some of which really aren't necessary but are just realism/variety ideas. Though the majority of emergency ambulances in NYC are FDNY EMS units, many hospitals in the city have ambulance divisions that respond to emergency calls as they operate under the FDNY EMS umbrella, along with many volunteer ambulance units that supplement the FDNY and hospital units. Another idea is the addition of at least one or two of the plethora of other law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction in the city, between transit agencies like the MTA police, the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, or the famous PAPDNJNJ and other specialized agencies like the waterfront police, or the CO-OP city police. I'll try not to clutter the thread too much with suggestions, so I'll end it with the final suggestion for a suggestions thread just to keep things relatively tidy.
  24. With all due respect Bastian, you are neither an administrator or an author of the vehicles, so why should you be operating as their agent when we haven't actually heard from them. I appreciate your attempt to ensure that nobody's copyrighted material is misused, but for all we know they gave the makers of the Prague City Mod permission to use them, or they are free for anyone to use. I much rather hear from the authors if they want their things used than some kid playing copyright police.
  25. The vehicle was the default engineer vehicle made by sixteen tons from EM3, so therefore the authors would be the makers of EM3. Do we have to name the authors of default cars now too?
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