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Everything posted by fireballthefiredog

  1. Yeah you win, it is right outside hampstead not part of it though.
  2. Framingham fire rescue heavy rescue 1, Framingham, MA
  3. I know this is probabally a stupid question, but what does RMP stand for.
  4. All branches of the armed services have their own firefighters that usually work on the base. Wether they just cover the flightline or accually cover the entire base with military firefighters and not govt. contracted ones differes from base to base and branch to branch.
  5. I ban you for making such a horrible joke.
  6. I ban you because i fought a 400 acre forrest fire yesterday.
  7. I ban you because your name is squad 55 but your picture is of eng 44.
  8. Dont have verry many cars, only 2 1998 ford crown vic, fire lights inside (everyone thinks imm a cop, and a 1992 pierce arrow engine.
  9. Man, when i saw the title i was like eeh, british coloumbia reskins probabally arent going to be that good, but you prooved me wrong, good work they look awsome.
  10. IDK if fdny does it, i know that other departements, but here is a pic http://www.astro.caltech.edu/palomar/images/blog/washtruck.jpg
  11. Prepiped no, but im pretty shure that if they needed to they have a moniter they can put on the end of a straight stick and then run a hose up the ladder for master stream opperations.
  12. Cogradulations someone finally got it right. My first station and the first truck I drove. So you are up.
  13. Looks great only thing i caught imediatally by looking ate the images is if you can try to add a 3rd axle to res1cue
  14. Realy good work guys love the new menue looks like it will be alot easier to use, only one question, how will calling in trucks work in the game, since you got rid of almost all of the oroginal menues? Keep up the good work.
  15. Is this mod going to be available for download ever?
  16. Ugh cant wait for the release. Great work on what we have seen so far, keep it up.
  17. no it is a departement inside of a county, i want what county the departement opperates in and the department and state.
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