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  1. They are great mate, will you be releasing those?
  2. I appreciate this threat is a bit old now however I have this same issue, I have amended one of the Highway vehicles to be able to chase however when I click on it, the vehicle blows up instantly. I've tried searching the forum and Google for an answer but I can't find anything. I can't find the siren file with the above if statement in? Where exactly is it?
  3. Does anyone find that the vehicles don't drive on the roads properly on this map? They are constantly cutting across pavements, car parks, grass etc.
  4. Brilliant mod. Can't wait for the update where we can send vehicles to bases, I seem to spend half of my time just trying to park vehicles . My only complaint at the moment is with the concert in the top left of the map, when there's a murder / theft with a weapon etc it causes chaos as there are dozens of people running around on the map.
  5. I can't get rid of the white boxes over the lights! The link to Svens Coronas just gives me an error message and I can't find them anywhere else
  6. Loving the update! Just a shame that the ARVs and Astras cant chase people.
  7. Whoops! I got to here via the search facility and just didn't pay attention to the age at all, I assumed it was new due to the lack of replies! Sorry, my bad! I certainly am, however my stream is private nowadays and not for public viewing any more unfortunately
  8. Only 3 of the photo's that you've attached are actually from London...
  9. Now you mention it, my drivers and directX updated a couple of days ago, about the same time as the trouble started. Cheers for the advice, I'll have a look at my updates
  10. Since installing the update, I've been having problems with my graphics. I've reinstalled the mod but I'm still having problems. I've attached a screenshot so you can see Anyone know whats wrong?
  11. My bad!! I meant to put a little note saying that's an essential vehicle that we need in the mod. Too late now!
  12. Made some minor alterations (in bold)
  13. Reading through bits of this topic, the Jankel and saloon BMW 3 series area car are meant to be in the mod correct? But they aren't on mine! I've just re-downloaded and looked through the files and they're not there
  14. I can confirm there is more than one Land Rover Defender 110 on Merseyside, not sure of the roof code for PN05AEA at this time but I'll have a dig about for you.
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