Wow! That is some FINE work! I keep scrolling, and I'm barely halfway through, and there's just more to see! And I mean, sure, it's a *huge* hill to climb. Obviously you and Hoppah had others working with you when you created the mods for Emergency 4, and if modding here is as dead as you say, I may not have that kind of help. But I am going to try my luck over at the German forums, maybe I'll get lucky! And, at the end of the day, what I'd really like to do, more than even adding a bunch of new functionality, is add new units. Whether it's American liveries or European ones, there are obviously lots more things I could add. Even if we're just going back to "standard" Emergency 4, there's the Mobile Hydrant Truck, a X-T Tank truck (the water cannon one), I want to add a firefighting helicopter, of course there's the SWAT van, a Water Cannon truck for police, a Paddywagon (high passenger cap for transporting lots of prisoners), and of course I'd like to split some unit abilities off from the main units--have a cop who's sole purpose is to intervene in hostage situations, for example, like the profiler in 4.
I *think* I can eventually muddle my way through scripting. It'd be a slow, cobbled-together thing, but at least I can interpret data when it's thrown up in my face and I can trace back through a C# or JSON script and figure out what goes where. With 3D models, I don't even know where to start. Obviously E4 had V3Os that could be opened in ZModeler3, but I'm having absolutely *no* luck with the .skeleton files in 5/20xx. Is there something I'm missing?
...You know, *is* there a script in EM4 that allows you to issue commands while paused? Or maybe makes the minimap a bit more legible? I keep flicking back and forth between than and EM 2017, and everything is just so much--slicker--for a lack of a better word in 2017, but obviously 4 has got the waaaay better gameplay...