here is a tutorial about how to add the LAchase script to other mods i did this topic to ask how to do that and xplorer4x4 gave me the solution, so thanks to him if somebody wants to do it here is how : 1)go to the LA mod 2.0 folder scripts>game>command 2)copy the LAchase script and put it in the mod that you want ( for example Essex mod) in the folder essex mod >scripts>game>command 3)Then open Em4 editor, load the essex mod or the mod that you choose ( modification> essex mod/ other mod) 4)in the prototypes windows , make click on the vehicle lapel, and then on the word police( this may vary according to the mod) 5)click on the name of a patrol car( or the vehicles that you want, but it does not work in all) , then on edit>edit commands and on the left column select Vcmdfollow. Then the arrow to the right, then Ok and again OK. 6)Well now it is ready , hope you like the tutorial, if you have questions just say them here Screens: the LA chase script selecting the patrol car Adding the vcmdfollow command