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Everything posted by MCERT1

  1. I think the problem you're having is that you need to open both doors and disconnect the battery charger from a truck before you can call status 3. I missed disconnect the charger my first few times.
  2. I hadn't played this mod since the first version, until I downloaded it today... It is incredible, good work mod team. One question: what truck carries the oil binder on it? i had a call and I couldn't find it anywhere, also the crew of the GW-N couldn't access the equipment menu. Also if you'd like help with an english translation I can try and help.
  3. Hi all, I'm working on trying to get the battalion chief commands, so that he can only call one truck from off the map. I've been trying to set limits on the script, but everything I try doesn't work. Either the command doesn't let him create the first vehicle, or lets him create an infinite amount. Here's my current version; No matter what I do, the script doesn't work. i know that I could change the map boundary and add VO's, but I'd rather not.
  4. Took me a long time to tweek the roland set till I finally got it where i wanted it at. the best part is the diversity of the kit. i can change and tweek every minuscule aspect of the kit, plus I turned it into a monster kit, I have 16 triggers pads, 2 handsonics, a casio synth, 2 sample 5 pad sets, an airfx, and an airsynth tied into it..,the only things missing are more trigger pads, a malletKat, and a PanKat. It's become my pet project. If you have a chance see if they do a Zildijian vault sale anywhere around you...They do one once a year where I used to live in Ohio. they bring in their best cymbals, and you get to walk through with a representative and choose your cymbals. I picked my full set that way, but it's hard to keep budget when you go...I spent about $2,000 for 2 (18" and 22")rides , an 8" splash, 13" hi hats, and a 16" crash. if you get a chance it is the best way to shop their cymbals.
  5. nice kit setup, I'm still lugging around an old pearl export kit that belonged to my brother...But, I spent a ton on my zildjians (all K's) how do you like yours? I also have an electronic kit, but it's just a pain to setup and move around.
  6. My name is Nick, i haven't updated my information lately so here's the current stuff: I live in Maryland on the Eastern shore, and am currently unemployed...but trying to get a job as either a 911 dispatcher or seasonal wildland firefighter for the National Wildlife Refuge here. I'm 24 years old and married to my college sweetheart, and I have a dog and cat. I have a bachelor's degree in percussion performance, so I have a lot of instruments (though I haven't played a gig in 2 years). I studied intelligence (like national secuirty/military stuff) for a masters degree, but haven't finished my thesis yet. Back in Pennsylvania I was an EMT/security guard at the local casino. I'm trying to get on with the local fire department here.
  7. I believe the old braunschweig mod had an a freeway that ran through the middle of the freeplay map, you might want to check that for how to do it.
  8. It's been over a month, so I figured I would provide some updates on what I have done... Progress: (Near completion)(Work Started)(Not Started) Fire Station Layouts- I have apparatus laid out (minus those two open slots) in both stations; they spawn and return to the station with no problems. the station gates also work. Fire Station Alarms- Rather than having a generic alarm button, the station control panels now have unit specific alarms. Station one has alarms for a single engine company,battalion chief, a task force, a light force, and an RA. Station 2 can alarm for a engine company, RA, and brush patrol. These alarms depend upon the units available, so you can only alarm a task force if both engines are in station 1. To reflect LAFD staffing, in station 2, you can only alarm for the brush patrol or ambulance when the both units are in the station. Staffing- I haven't done a ton in editing the staffing because of the work required to get the stations working has been a pain. It shouldn't take more than an hour or two to complete staffing changes. Apparatus Skins- All fire units on the map are unique vehicles numbered for their station. i still need to make some skins for the additional RAs, engines, and lightforce available. LAFD Captain- I have a skin done, just not in game. Equipment/Staff Distribution-I am slowly changing the distribution of equipment, and the availability of specialty staff like the hazmat firefighters and diver. Battalion Chief Commands- Division Commands- Captain Commands-
  9. Those are explained at the bottom portion of the script, each of the child ids (1,2,3,etc) indicates what model changes into what.
  10. So it would be through the dispatch commands then, not the a separate command? That makes sense and is less tedious.
  11. It shouldn't be too hard to take Hoppah's scripts to make vehicles spawn and return to base...Opening the doors is easy too, but i don't understand manually opening the doors from the dispatch center if the vehicle isn't being dispatched.That's a lot of scripting for very little effect. Most of the the things you described aren't horribly difficult to do by editing Hoppah's scripts, but they'll take a long time to do. Would the dispatch scripts just alarm the crew for units or alarm the crew and send them to a specific location?
  12. Anybody happen to have the ground texture file for the map still? The links on the German fan site are all dead I can't figure out where the heck I downloaded them the first time.
  13. You have to add them to the save file in the mod folder, it should be self explanatory when you find the file... I had the same problem at first
  14. I've redone the stations scripts for the mod completely and have successfully rearranged all the units. Everything works, but for some weird reason, the battalion chief car will not successfully spawn a staff after leaving the fire station, returning, and emptying its crew...But, it only does it if the vehicle is parked in the front door of station1, closest to the crew spawn point. I have edited the LAfirestationstart, LAfirestation, and LAtofirestation scripts. Is there another script causing this problem? or is it just some glitch with the mod? I have also removed the LABattalionchief script and anyother vehicle place in this location spawns it's staff just fine. * Tinkered around more with the personnel and vehicle spawns, the issue was resolved*
  15. Thanks for the additional info Billy . Just as an update to the few who are watching this thread...My fire station scripts run very smooth, but have a few snags, not errors, it just seem the game decides it doesn't want to call certain personnel or raise the back doors on my drive-thru bays. So...I'm gonna try and build a new set of scripts (I'll save the old ones too) using the old 1.4 scripts. Hopefully this will make the script much less complicated, however I'm going to have separate fire station commands per station. hopefully this can resolve the last few stupid issues the blinking script is giving me... On the plus side, if this works I'll share the scripts with y'all and it should allow guys who edit their stations have more possibilities...and even easily make additional stations. The only down side for some is that I'm probably gonna pull the stand-by and patrol commands and auto staff commands out of the final project (which all were pretty unrealistic anyways). Wish me luck Took a last look at the version 2.0 scripts and managed to resolve the issue with the door not opening on the station, so if i can resolve the last issue with station 1 not wanting to spawn the battalion chief, I will just keep these scripts. But if I can grab some time later, I'll still work on adjusting the earlier scripts.
  16. Hi everyone, This script is driving me nuts...The game claims there is a syntax error with line 396, which is causing it to fail to define a prototype. I don't see any syntax error. Does anyone else have a clue on what could be wrong?
  17. Oldest truck in service in Erie County,PA 1971 Maxim Ward LaFrance, serving as the second engine with Fairfield Fire Department. Technically the one other department has an older reserve ladder, which has a 1989 LaFrance cab on a 1949 chassis.
  18. yeah, the concept I'll be shooting for will be station 1 as a taskforce station and station 2 as a single engine company. I'd like to find more specific apparatus layouts for some of the taskforce stations and single engine stations. The questions I need to find out are how many task force stations (if any) have a brush patrol, and what stations house the SWR trucks. Unfortunately the only reference I can really find for a lot of stuff is station 88, which isn't a typical station. *Update* I actually managed to find a guide with an apparatus listing for stations...I'll base what the stations have based on these layouts.
  19. I'll likely add the SWR to the last slot in station 1, and one of the engines will be an assessment rig. Station 2 will have the USAR instead of the hazmat, All trucks will be unique, not just generic ambulances and engines...However, the stations will still be fictitious, because no particular LAFD stations match exactly.
  20. I don't believe they have any...The newer ambulances are dodge chassis.
  21. Hi everybody, I've been away for quite a while, but have come back to the game. MY PROJECT: I have always intended to build upon Hoppah's awesome work, and develop a version of the mod that has slightly more realism, and challenging game play. My work focuses specifically on LAFD operations (at least for now).So, I want to make some tweeks to gameplay in a few areas. Rough Outline: Phase 1: The Fire Stations The first task I'm undertaking is altering the fire stations. While Hoppah's system is fun and allows for a huge main fire station...There aren't any stations running 4 engines and 3 ambulances anywhere in LA. So the stations are getting tweaked based on LAFD station layouts. Station 1 Station one will be a task force station. Apparatus: -1 tiller -2 engines -1 bls ambulance -1 als ambulance -1 battalion chief -2 slots still left to be filled This setup offers a closer mimic of a larger LAFD station and is what I think is most appropriate. The remaining slots will be filled with possibly a USAR, Squad, an EMS captain, and/or special support units (like a pickup hauling the medical trailer, or a light truck.) Station 2 Station two will be an engine company Apparatus: -1 assessment engine -1 bls ambulance -1 brush patrol There are several stations in the LAFD with these configurations, the question is whether or not having only one ALS ambulance on a map will be too difficult. All apparatus on the map will be unique, as will all units in the submod. The player must be diligent, and use limited resources appropriately. Phase 2: Staffing/equipment For the sake of gameplay, we have access to most equipment on most vehicles in the game. Equipment access will be restricted to appropriate tools on each truck (engines don't carry jump bags, etc.) Additionally, saffing will be changed to reflect accurate more accurate staffing on units. this also means access to specialized personnel like divers would be restricted, and have to be purchased or dispatched with an appropriate unit. I'll also add a standard captain for the LAFD. Phase 3: Dispatch System I've gotten better at scripitng, so I would like to attempt a dispatch system for the LAFD. This system would include a generalized incident command hierarchy. For example: A captain could request a battalion chief or an additional engine. A battalion chief can request an additional light force, or upgrade a vehicle accident to a physical rescue assignment (dispatching HR 56)...Even further, a division commander could request support from other agencies (USFS and LACoFD). Each type of officer would have a unique limited set of dispatch commands equivalent to their role.
  22. I'm working on a personal project and have a question. In the most current versions of the LA mod the floodlights on the hazmat and usar are an animated part of the vehicle... In any of the earlier versions were these floodlights a superstructure or other child of the vehicle?
  23. From what I've found, the high rise units carry extra fans, lighting, generators, extra SCBA bottles, and other miscellaneous tools (ropes,etc). There are also special nozzles, but as far as I know they are only carried by designated engines. i would imagine the trucks also have extra hose packs too. Generally, you need between 1-3 lengths of hose per each story of a building.
  24. It is possible as a replacement for the firefighting plane, however it gets a little glitchy with the timer and will still play the noise for the airplane. I'm sure someone could write a script to overwrite the sound effect, but I've never seen one. Unfortunately with Hoppah on an extended break it is up to a submod to do it....I gave my files for the LA county firehawk to the LA County submod
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