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Everything posted by MCERT1

  1. Can't believe I didn't make this connection earlier (especially considering how much I hear it). A PBT is Preliminary Breath Test, aka Breathalizer or Alco-Blow...What ever brand you want to use in the field
  2. According to another video that's a reserve, actually a spare is using FDNY terms...Other one's probably down at the garages Link to a Photo of the Spare Rig w/o markings:http://www.pbase.com/tomcarmody/image/55211704
  3. I'm sure Mike has been very busy with the Station fire and such... I also recall that he was headed to Canada for a while. Anyways, here's a question for you all: Anyone know how the Georgian (the country not the state) Emergency Services are structured? Links and images would be greatly appreciated, so far I've turned up nothing useful.
  4. It goes by number of posts, I think my next level is at 500 posts or something like that.
  5. See, The question for me would be;Are they doing it intentionally or not? From what I've read about, in that area there's some major tension between vollies and paid (but then again there are few places that aren't). I'd hope the media isn't doing it on purpose though... Complaint: I'm tired and sick of school already...Solution: Going to the penninsula this weekend and hopefully I'll get some pics of the Coast Guard boats.
  6. I always like how they add all those sound efffects to those videos,
  7. having experienced both, I'll give you that one, but band funk is unique and varies by section, percussionists having particularly nasty funk due to their equipment which is way heavy and way more uncomfortable then full pads. Complaint: My job is long and boring... Eight hours of sitting by yourself in a little cubicle at night makes you go crazy
  8. Yep, that's band for you. Marching Band and various bandies activities will leave any band area smelling like that. I still remember what are drum room smelled like, and our secret attic with the couch and cable t.v. Complaint: The world needs to stop doing stuff for a couple of hours.... I need to catch up on my briefings
  9. Well, I'm a musician, I freelance in the local area and play with a couple bar bands on percussion insturments. I graduated this past spring with a degree in music, now I'm doing something completely different. I'm trainning to be an EMT and firefighter, but fire school has a habit of not being at a time I can do it. I'm also training in some government jobs (emergency management, and intelligence). Hopefuly in another year or two I can be working for a federal agency (preferably: FEMA, USFA, or the ATF).
  10. Grad School is rough... Like 200-500 pages of reading a night, plus a ton of projects. My Job is keeping up all night three nights a week, and the sniveling undergrads are just starting have classes. Every night I'm awake have to listen to them whine about how hard their courses are with 20 pages of reading a night, etc. I'm really growing tired of school.
  11. I'm now on my 5th year living on a college campus. Three and a half of those years as an RA... I mostly hate alcohol for all the stupid people normally involved in its use. So...Soda, but I do enjoy a casual drink once and a while.
  12. Have to be Pubs Clubs are deathtraps, I've studied way to many incidents in them to ever go to one.
  13. Well the majority of mods are German because: 1.The game is originally German... 2.They have a larger active fan base in Germany than anywhere else which equals more people modding 3. With the exception of about a quarter of the mods, they are just reskins of models by others, nothing special 4. The game is based in Europe so conversions to other countries are hard to achieve. 5. American Apparatus selection is more diverse than most European countries, meaning most mods have to create a complete new set of units not just reskin the same 8 models from another mod. 6. Modding is hard 7. Real life can be a pain, and slows or stops work on mods 8. Limited tools to work with when modding
  14. I'm kicking myself right now... I'm playing a concert at the bayfront, and just watched a boat chase and subsequent boarding by the coast guard...Of course it has to be the one day I didn't bring & camera...but I'll remember it tomorrow and get some pics of the defender and port authority boats.
  15. State Troopers still monitor CB Channels: Ohio and Pennsylvania actually have signs posted along the highway which say what channel they monitor. It's very useful for highway officers, because often when accidents or dangerous drivers are causing problems, truckers are the only ones around and it gives them a direct patch to the Highway Patrol. It also works well for motor enforcement divisions too, when they set up mobile scale traps they monitor the CB to know when they need to relocate.
  16. The problem with the arguments in that text against soda is that they're stated wrong. Their primarily discussing phosphoric acid not coke....It is a minor ingredient, used at incredibly low levels. I dare you to go through the ERG ...You won't see coke listed anywhere.
  17. Understandable, it's interesting though I read an article earlier today where a member of AV SAR mentioned how often they failed to be notified till late in an incident. He was recounting a car over the side/rope rescue where if it wasn't for ESD member hearing the call on a fire channel and dispatching them, they probably wouldn't have been dispatched for several more minutes... But it happens everywhere, police and fire talk, but they really don't work well enough together. Anyways are SAR members trained in any medical techniques or just patient evac? Off that topic: I've decided I don't like the first ESD officer I created... So I'll make a new one tonight, and some early SEB models too. I'll post pics tomorrow. My computer is misbehaving again I'll post pics as soon as I can
  18. As one who's slowly scaling out of soda after years of a mountain dew ( I'm down to a can or two a week as compared to a 2 liter a day)....I say coke, as it has a bit of a more mild flavor, I can't even drink mountain dew anymore it just has to much sugar.
  19. It makes sense to have another medical unit on scene, to some degree. In Columbus they have the TEMS officers come to scene in a reserve medic unit and just hang back, to not type up another medic for the hours SWAT situations take. I can understand the benefits of both ways.
  20. Dragonas made the mod....he's on the other emergency forum all the time
  21. I've been trying to find stuff on the ESD Ambulance, but still can't find junk outside of the one photo (perhaps it is not in service anymore). From the ESD photo stream, they have three trucks all of which are similar to the model that's in creation. Also, scripts to change clothes wouldn't be that hard, I could help if you want. @Mike: I assume they have a contract ambulance on standby at SEB stuff then? Seems a little inefficent
  22. The Sarin gas attacks in the Japanese subway system were handled poorly. Partially because they didn't really know what was going on, sarin is colorless and odorless. The other part was in my opinion that they didn't want to panic the public (a dilemma emergency managers face).
  23. FBI will investigate federal crimes, ie. bank robber, kidknapping, and others as they are directly under their jurisdiction. They also investigate other crimes when requested by local law enforcement. btw, I watched that video...only thing I'm gonna say is the process takes alot longer than it takes that guy, a lot longer.
  24. Well ami for someone obsessed with how bad we are, clearly we still haven't gotten bad enough to nuke the Sh** out of Afghanistan.I'm glad we didn't, we came close but we didn't. From a tacitcal stance Iraq and Vietnam ain't anywhere near close, if you want me to ellaborate I will. I'm with Taylor, I ain't gonna touch that video with a ten foot pole. I'm just gonna ask do believe it was all a conspiracy or just the videos? I just want to know so I can better understand your position. As for the FBI and the fire thing, hell yeah anyone near a suspicious fire is a suspect. Arsonists often watch their own work. That why police will watch the crowd watching the fire for anything suspicious. I also assure that they don't make those massive jumps from suspicious fire to terrorism. Local police agencies have done such at times but hey it is rectified by federal agencies.
  25. I have the regular medics with and without the stretcher done. I'll post pictures later, my editor doesn't like when I open close it every few minutes, so I have to give it a rest. Anyways about the SWAT medic, should he be in the full BDU dress or more like the sniper? Also while I'm at it do you want LASD SEB (SWAT) officers too, it should be an easy reskin? Also I'm gonna reskin the medic case to a darker color too.
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